Detail Design Engineering Competency Aspects

For establishing an Industrial Process Plant, different technical and non-technical teams shall work together in different stages of the project execution cycle. Depending on the type and size of the project, the variety and quantity of such teams may vary from low to huge high quantity of teams and responsible positions, but regardless of such parameter, the most important required characteristics of such teams for (guarantee or) reaching the good successes for project results, is the required minimum competency for all engaged teams. In fact, all teams in different stages of one project execution cycle shall have minimum required competencies, and as much as such value increases, the success degrees of the project outputs will be increased (and vice versa). So finding the required competencies of teams in different stages of one Industrial Process Plant Project is very important.

The detail Design Engineering Phase of the project execution cycle may be considered as most important stage of the project and the engaged teams in this stage have great activities and interactions with each other and the required competencies for such teams during doing their jobs are more than the similar characteristics of other teams in other stages. So in this article, we will review the “Detail Design Engineering Competency Aspects” to find more regarding the required competency aspects of engaged teams in the execution of one Industrial Process Plant Project.

Industrial Process Plant Project Execution Cycle

Figure-1: (Detail) Engineering Design may be considered an Important Phase of the Industrial Process Plant Project Execution Cycle.

Industrial Process Plant Project Execution Cycle

The Lifecycle of an Industrial Process Plant Project may include different phases from the beginning feasibility study/ estimations up to the final days of disassembling, but generally, for establishing one Process Plant we may find some summarized activity collections known as different phases of the Project Execution Cycle. Figure 2 shows the famous definition for one Industrial Process Plant Project Execution (during the lifecycle of the Process Plant).

Different Phases of Industrial Process Plant Project

Figure-2: Different Phases of One Industrial Process Plant Project Execution.

Referring to Figure-2 we may find different stages or phases (activity collections) of one Industrial Process Plant Project as below:

  • Basic Design
  • Detail Design Engineering
  • Procurement
  • Construction
  • Commissioning
  • Project Closeout

Depending on the type and size of each industrial project, the start point and duration of each stage or phase will vary greatly, while the execution process of activities shows that they belongs to which stage or phase. However further to this point, the normal (usual) and logical sequence of doing the activities shall be based on such that shown in Figure-2.

Also, the type of project contracts and the characteristic conditions of each project (including Budget/ Time/ Logistics hiring and limits, and different engaged project stakeholders or responsible positions) will have great effects on process execution definition and duration of each stage or phase. As an example type of contract (EP, EPC, or EPCC) will identify the end of duration phase of the Detail Design Engineering, as generally shown in Figure-2.

It is very important to notice that Figure-2 just shows a general representation of the different stages of each industrial project, while each stage or phase may have its own different parts or duration plan. As an example shown Construction Phase may be interpreted as just for building construction and installation of all equipment and mechanical parts, while preparation and conditioning of ground levels of the project site may be started by starting the detailed design engineering phase of the project (or even earlier).

Detail Design Engineering Phase as Core Stage of Industrial Process Plant Project Execution Cycle

If we notice the target function of each stage of Industrial Process Plant Execution Cycle, we may find that Detail Design Engineering Phase can be considered as main vital interface between Project Requirements and Project Specifications and Documentation which are reflected on all supplied items and relevant functionalities and interactions between them (Hardware and Software), and so we can consider such phase as core stage of each Industrial Process Plant Project Execution Cycle. Considering this fact and referring to Figure-2, Dutch Windmill Model shown in Figure-3, can be considered as a very good representation model for Industrial Process Plant Project Execution.

Dutch Windmill Model of Industrial Process Project

Figure-3: Dutch Windmill Model of Industrial Process Plant Project Execution.

Figure-3 clearly shows the overlaps of different stages of the project that shape the overall functionality of each Industrial Process Plant Project Execution. As an example, we can see that the Basic Phase provides the basic foundation of the project and if it is not completely done the overall functionality of the project may be unstable or suspended.

Figure-3 Also shows that the Detail Design Engineering Phase is considered as the core pillar of the project and if it has some weakness it cannot support totally the other following phases of the project. On the other hand, if this pillar doesn’t have enough strength, it will not carry the following phases correctly and the total project will fall, even if the basic foundation and all other phases are done as the best.

Detail Design Engineering Competency Aspects

Following to main target interface role of Detail Design Engineering Phase between Project Requirements and Project Specifications & Documentation, it has the interface roles between different parties and management of the project and providing suitable material for them. The competency aspects (roles) of Detail Design Engineering Teams can be better found or concluded from Figure-4 that shows Industrial Process Plant Operation lifecycle aspects as Flower Model.

Flower Model of Industrial Process Plant Operation Lifecycle Aspects

Figure-4:  Flower Model of Industrial Process Plant Operation Lifecycle Aspects.

Flower Model

The Flower Model shows different stages of one Industrial Process Plant Project (including Feasibility/ Basics, (Detail Design) Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning, Start-up, and Operation) that are executed in the platform provided by some shown managements (including Project Management, Risk Management, Contract Management, Construction Management, Operation Management, and Human Resource Management) and via some major shown Operation Aspects. The shown management and aspects are generally the summary of some more detail similar ones that are not explained or shown in Figure-4 (as an example Logistic Management or Process Safety Management).

However, Detail Design Engineering Teams shall coordinate or communicate with different teams and parties of the mentioned management and other engaged responsible persons or parties (like Vendors, Client Specialists, and Management Consultancy (MC) Specialists …) in different aspects of view. Some of such aspects are shown as petals in Flower Model and listed below. Shown Flower Model is provided such that more relevant aspects in different project phases jointed to that phase, although the all aspects to be considered continuously in all steps of the project and reflected in relevant documents and activities accordingly.

1. Knowledge Management/ Document Management

The most important aspect of Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET) is Knowledge Management/ Document Management, and all their activities and responsibilities will be reflected in such aspects. In fact (as briefly say) they shall use and manage knowledge to produce best Documents for relevant parties.

2. Practices/ Experiences

Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET) shall use any available Practices/ Experiences in their company or from other project resources to produce the best design for configurations and functionalities (performances).

3. Standards/ Rules/ Codes

 All documents and activities of DDET shall be done based on applicable Standards/ Rules/ Codes.

4. Available Technologies

Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET) shall be aware of available technologies in different stages of the project and do their designs based on such important aspects. In fact, using approved technologies or employing new technologies may have great effects on project outputs (employing new technologies, may increase the functionality performances, but it may increase the fault or error possibilities due to hidden or unseen problems during new technology designs).

5. Vendors/ Suppliers

Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET) shall equip themselves with information regarding the Vendors and Suppliers and they shall know the exact routes of delivery of items to the project site completely. However DDET shall supervise and guide Vendors and Suppliers for providing suitable items or assemble (equipment or services) properly, and or even evaluate them for abilities or compliance to project requirements. In some projects, DDET will (just) consult project management for situations and abilities of different vendors (due to the type of contract).

6. Project Budget

Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET) shall consider the Project Budget on their designs and following activities, behind their minds. In fact, a wrong estimation of project abilities for supplying enough budget may force uncontrolled or unwanted delays or vice versa may provide fewer performances than accessible ones.

7. Commercial Conditions

Similar to Budget, Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET) shall monitor continuously the commercial conditions applicable for different activities and supply items in their designs. Some commercial conditions may impose great losses to project success (for money or time). As an example commercial sanctions may cause great impacts to the project if it was not considered properly in project planning.

8. Inspections/ Tests

Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET) shall consider and implement applicable Inspections/ Tests in their designs or project requirements. As an example Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) and Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) further Inspection of items can confirm or guarantee the compliance of provided equipment or services based on project requirements.

9. Packing/ Delivery

Right Packing and delivery have great effects on the health and correctness of equipment (functions) at the project site. So providing proper Packing/ Delivery Procedure documents and relevant care is a very important aspect of DDET activities.

10. Logistics/ Site Supports

Logistics conditions like roads or access ways to the project site may have great effects on project design conditions. As an example for supplying big equipment items to the project site if Logistic Conditions are not satisfied, DDET may consider their designs in such a way that such items are to be built at the project site.

Also, DDET shall provide any Site Support Activity or presence at the project site to provide any help, guide, or supervise for the right activities or construction problems. Sometimes they shall provide solutions or clarifications on raised items such as problems or occurrence of defects or damages (but completely depends on the type of project contract).

11. Process Safety Management (PSM)

Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET) shall consider Project Safety (Conditions/) Management continuously in all of their designs, and especially PSM requirements for site construction shall be reflected in relevant documents accordingly.

12. Warehousing

Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET) shall consider the exact conditions of the project site on storage circumstances for equipment and devices and reflect the exact right conditions in relevant documents. As an example supplied Instrumentation & (Control & Safety) Systems items to the project site, shall be stored in special required conditions and so providing a suitable warehouse for such items is very important and shall be considered in project planning and designs accordingly.

13. Bulk Materials/ Spare Parts

Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET) shall estimate or calculate suitably the required Bulk Material items (for example cables, cable trays/ ladders, cable glands, tubes, and tube fittings …) and supply such items to the project site at the right planned times. Any shortage or wrong plan may impose bad effects or delays on project progress while supplying such items shall not impose any impacts on project progress (from the Project Management view) in comparison to other (more important) items or equipment.

DDET shall consider the proper quantity of spare parts for substituting faulty items during the project construction/ commissioning phase or during plant normal operations. Usually, DDET mentions some required items in their requirements documents as commissioning and 2 years of spare parts (which shall be supplied by vendors).

14. Site Acceptance Tests/ Site Supports

As mentioned earlier DDET shall consider some compliance tests in the project site (SAT) to be done by the vendor and also in some cases shall ask vendors to provide site assistance supports (for any operation or finding solutions to occurred problems). DDET shall reflect Site Assistance Support Activity needs (from the vendor side) at the project site in relevant documents accordingly (if needed).

15. Utilities/ Power Readiness

DDET shall consider any utilities or power required for the operation of equipment and devices in their designs (and documents) and reflect project planning for considering the right plan for readiness of such items at suitable set times (especially during the Commissioning Phase).

16. Communication Facilities

DDET shall reflect properly in their documents for the readiness of communication facilities at the right times. As an example, the readiness of Radio Communication or phone/ paging networks during the commissioning phase is very important (for Instrument Loop Checking or equipment/ package functionality checks).

17. Mechanical Integrity Check

DDET shall provide suitable documents or project site presences for checking the right Mechanical Integrity Checks (depending on the type of project contracts).

18. Pre Start-up Safety Review (PSSR)

DDET shall support suitable help and documents for developing PSSR.

19. Start Permits

DDET shall identify risky operations and reflect suitable warnings for doing special care on some critical actions that need Start Permit Procedure.

20. Management of Change (MoC)

Any design changes during Process Plant Project Execution shall be documented and reflected in all relevant documents accordingly via the Management of Change System. As an example usually during the start-up of the process plant. Some changes or modifications need to be implemented which shall be reflected on all relevant documents accordingly.

21. Override/ Bypass Management

Usually during plant start-up and even in normal operation of the process plant sometimes some actions or functions shall be overridden or some bypass routes shall be activated. Such facilities shall be studied and cared for by DDET in their designs and reflected on all relevant documents accordingly.

22. Accident Investigation Facilities

If any accidents occur in the Process Plant, some facilities shall exist to help plant management study and analyze the sources (routes) of such events and provide Accident Investigation Reports (for future actions). Suitable facilities and records shall be cared for and implemented in designs by DDET.

As an example, during the design of the Process Plant, the I&C Team shall care for considering the right storage (saving) of critical process parameters data (for Analysis during Accident Investigation) and also developing the Alarm Management System and recording/ specifying First Initiator cause of Shutdown System Interlocks (activated). Such facilities can help plant operators to lead the activities in the right manner after any partial or total shutdowns during plant start-up too.

23. Standard Operation Procedures (SOP)

DDET shall coordinate with all engaged specialists in plant start-up and operations (especially plant operators and Maintenance Teams) and other engaged specialists (in the development of process functionalities) for the preparation of the right and complete standard Operation Procedures (documents).

24. Skills/Training

DDET shall consider (and ask from vendors or responsible teams) the required skills and training for all Operators and Maintenance Teams and reflect such items in relevant documents. Of course, types, durations, locations, and conditions of required training shall be coordinated with the project client. As an example, the I&C Team by coordination with the Project Client, shall ask for required training for DCS/ESD systems by reflecting suitable considerations in relevant requisition documents.

25. Report/ Documentation Facilities

DDET shall study the required parameters/ data for saving (which are important in analyzing Process Performances or Accident Investigation studies) and develop required systems by reflecting such requirements in relevant documents.

Also, some recording formats are required for producing (Daily/ Monthly/ Event Base) reporting Documentation for Plant Management (Information) Systems. As an example daily or shift recording documents to specify plant productions and normal/ stopped operation durations. Also asset management documentation reports that help Plant Management for planning any required maintenance actions.

26. Different Operation Modes/ Product Selection

Any plant operation modes or product change/ selection, facilities/ requirements shall be studied and cared for by DDET and reflected in the relevant documentation. In fact DDET shall consider suitable equipment and functionalities for implementing such requirements in their process designs.

27. Maintenance Systems/ Facilities

Any requirements for Maintenance Systems and required facilities shall be studied by DDET and reflected in relevant documents accordingly. As an example, Machinery Protection Systems or Asset Management Systems shall be provided on the case, or as furthermore needed the Maintenance access areas shall be designed and cared by DDET for all instruments and equipment.

28. Human Factors Engineering (HFE)

DDET shall consider HFE in all their designs for any human actions. As an example, the Control Room or Graphic Displays shall be designed in this manner. Plant Layout or Equipment Arrangements in the Basics Design Phase are estimated in this regard and will be developed in more detail by DDET accordingly.

29. Plant Layout/ Access Ways

As explained this aspect shall be considered by DDET as the result of employing HFE for human actions. However, developing such aspects may need consideration for some project conditions like future plant extension or making new plants via DDET.

30. Inherently Safe Design

This aspect is a safety concept that shall be considered in all Process Plant designs in the Basics Phase and also by DDET during developing process details.

31. HAZOP/ SIL Studies

Another safety concept aspects (HAZOP/SIL) that shall be considered in all Process Plant design in Basics Phase and also by DDET during developing process details. Such aspects shall be continued by the plant owner during normal operations too (maybe with the help of DDET).

32. Software/ Networks

All usual or special software and networks shall be developed by DDET and to be reflected in relevant documents for supply and implementations by vendors. As an example, Advanced Process Control (APC) is a special system for the improvement of Process Performance that needs special software (application or implementation) to be considered by DDET.

It should be noticed that the mentioned aspects in the Flower Model are just some main aspects of Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET), and other more detailed items may be mentioned too, while those possibly may be considered as sub-branches of one of the above-mentioned items.

Lizard Model of Detail Design Engineering Competency Aspects

As already mentioned and shown in Figures 2 and 3, detail design Engineering Teams can be considered as the main core role of execution of the Industrial Process Plant Project, since they have close coordination with other teams in different stages of the project. Figure-5 shows another model of such interactions and since it is approximately similar to a lizard can be considered as Lizard Model.

Figure-5 shows more sensible the engagement or interactions of DDET with other parties of different phases of Industrial Process Plant Project Execution. However, some detailed activity aspects are identified during the project progress execution. Furthermore, the detail expected activities titles are specified in the Lizard body too.

Figure-5 also shows some of the more important documents and activities of the Industrial Process Plant Project that shall be begun for preparation at the shown project progress axis. Based on such project progress monitoring approximately all DDETs are engaged and responsible during the Process Plant Project Execution cycle, but by more detail study you may find that Process and I&C Teams are responsible from the early beginning of DDET activities (Providing PFD and P&IDs and arranging Process Control Systems Philosophy) up to end of DDET activities (which is providing plant normal operation by implementing all required functionalities and modifications in Process Control & Safety Systems).

Lizard Model of Industrial Process Plant Project Execution Cycle

Figure-5: “Lizard Model” of Industrial Process Plant Project Execution Cycle.

Similar to the Process/ Safety Team, I&C Team roles may be continued even after the project closeout for any future support for modifications and changes.


Considering the roles and responsibilities of Detail Design Engineering Teams (DDET), and the wide range of activities, documentation, coordination, project aspects, and interactions with all parties engaged in one Industrial Process Plant Project, the specialists working in such teams shall have a great number of skills and competencies. Furthermore, the I&C team of Detail Design Engineering Companies similar to the Process/ Safety Team are engaged in project execution from the early beginning up to the end of the project, so they shall have enough good competencies in all required aspects for reaching the project success targets. The Competencies of the I&C Team will be studied in more detail in another article published by


  1. Instrumentation Engineer Roles & Responsibilities
  2. Instrumentation Engineer Detail Design Phase
  3. Process Control Systems Philosophy Concept
  4. Interaction With Process Control Systems Philosophy

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