SCADA Multiple Choice Questions

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SCADA Multiple Choice Questions

SCADA Multiple Choice Questions

A) All the Answers
B) Ring system
C) Hierarchical system
D) Shared bus systems

2. A SCADA system performs Data acquisition, Networked data communication, _________ and Control.

A) Analog to Digital Conversion
B) 4-20mA to HART
C) All the Answers
D) Data representation

3. Sensors and control relays can’t generate or interpret protocol communication, _______ is needed to provide an interface between the sensors and the SCADA network.

A) Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)
B) All of the Answers
C) Field Instruments

4. A central host computer server or servers called ________

A) Switch
B) Master Terminal Units (MTUs)
C) Junction Box
D) Microcontroller

5. A collection of standard and/or custom software systems used to provide the SCADA central host and operator terminal application, support the communications system, and monitor and control remotely located field data interface devices called as ______

A) HART Protocol
B) Human Machine Interface (HMI)
C) Input Output Modules
D) Network Gateway

6. Combine communications paths to and from many RTUs into a single bit stream, usually using time division multiplexing (TDM) or other such bit stream manipulation techniques.

A) Human Machine Interface (HMI)
B) Multiplexers
C) Barrier

7. SCADA systems encompass the transfer of data between a central host computer and a number of ______________and/or Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), and the central host and the operator terminals.

A) Microcontrollers
B) Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)
C) Input Output Modules
D) Motor Control Center

8. _______ may employ one or more workstations and can be configured at the workstation or by an off-line personal computer.

B) Router
D) Gate Way

9. A _________ consists of number of minicomputers or microcomputers inter connected in a tree structure.

A) All the Answers
B) Hierarchical system
C) Shared bus systems
D) Ring system

10. In __________the connected processors communicated over a common channel using time-sharing, thus allowing attached computers to transmit information in short-duration, high speed bursts.

A) Ring system
B) All the Answers
C) Shared bus systems
D) Hierarchical system

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This quiz section consists of total 20 questions. Each question carries 1 points. No negative points for wrong answers. You need to score at-least 50% to pass the quiz i.e. 10 Points. You can get Quiz Answers after submitting all questions.


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