If you are eager to learn more about electronics but have no time to browse multiple books or online sources, you still have a chance to be aware of all the latest news in the field.
How? Very easy — just listen to podcasts about electronics. They will make you aware of the newest events in the industry, and you can be sure that the information you get is always up-to-date and credible.
The best podcasts are those using research transcription services because they save and publish all audio files that can be easily read by users later whenever they need them. When they transfer their audio to text, even deaf users have a chance to get information about electronics from their podcasts.
Podcasts about Electronics

Below, you will find top podcasts about electronics that will be extremely helpful for you and reveal many interesting facts about the area of your interest.
Check the list of top 10 podcasts about electronics and choose the best podcast for your needs and expectations.
1. The Spark Gap
This podcast is hosted by Karl and Corey and has been operating since 2014. It is about all news in embedded electronics, their systems, and their community.
Each episode has its specific theme. From time to time, they feature guests. Although the podcast had a 5-month pause, now, they are going to post their episodes regularly.
Don’t forget that a reliable transcription will facilitate the process for you and allow you to get back to the information whenever you might need it.
2. Geared Up
Geared Up is published by Andru Edwards and Jon Rettinger and encounters 157 episodes in total. You can enjoy new episodes every week. This is a live video show by Gear Live. The hosts are tech veterans and know everything about video games and consumer electronics.
You can enjoy their RSS feed, Listen to notes, and listen to it on iTunes. Their audio transcription will help you catch difficult words and review the information at any time.
3. TAQ Weekly – Technology Questions Answered Weekly
If you are a big electronics fan, enjoy this Technology Show that will tell you everything about the newest electronics you have bought or are going to buy. Each episode is devoted to specific topics about how to protect your identity online, use your email wisely, encryption, backup, and storage of files, etc.
You will learn about new tools to apply to reach the above-mentioned goals. Their website contains information about show notes, links to different sites, software, etc. If you have a wish, you can even send an email to Steve Smith and ask him questions, express your concerns, or just comment.
The podcast issues one episode per week, and the average length is 7 minutes.
4. Electronic Specifier Insights
This podcast is published by Electronic Specifier and encounters 89 episodes in total. If you want to dig into the industry of electronics, this one is perfect for you. Find out how tech is changing in our world, get reviews from the best electronics shows and the latest tech companies.
Listen to it on iTunes, RSS feed, and ListenNotes, or simply read their audio to text transcription and enjoy all updated information right in front of your eyes.
5. MacroFab’s Engineering
One more great podcast about electronics that possesses itself as “The World’s First Self-Service Cloud Manufacturing Platform”. It specialized in PCBA manufacturing of small volumes. It has issued its episodes weekly since 2106. The hosts’ names are Parker Dillmann and Stephen Kraig. They both are engineers at the company.
The hosts are quite enthusiastic and provide information about the projects they are working on. These guys work on very interesting projects. With MacroFab, you will surely be aware of all the news in the industry. Moreover, it doesn’t feel like their ads. You will find it quite inspirational.
6. The Engineering Commons
This is a bi-weekly podcast that may not be so helpful for solely electronics fans. As a rule, just a few episodes are electronics-related, while the rest of them are about other aspects of engineering. If you doubt whether you should become an engineer, it will be very useful for you.
In 2012, this podcast was founded by Chris Gammell of The Amp Hour. Unfortunately, Chris left the show a few years ago. The current hosts are Jeff Shelton, who was the co-founder in 2012, Adam, Brian, and Carmen. Thus, the team consists of mechanical, civil, and two electrical engineers.
7. Engineering Update
This is probably one of the most commercial podcasts you can ever find. It is sponsored by Mouser and produced by ECN. You can watch their videos every week and learn all the news about engineering that happened last week.
This podcast is fun to watch because you may hear not only news but also interesting stories. You can watch it through your YouTube subscription. Unfortunately, there is no RSS feed.
8. Shouting at Chips
This is a podcast by Colin O’Flynn. You can watch it via Apple Podcasts or RSS feed. The hosts discuss the security industry here, as well as recent and upcoming products, as well as book releases.
9. Ham Talk Live!
This podcast is published by Neil Rapp and has 266 episodes in total, which is a great amount. It is sponsored by Tower Electronics and America. Enjoy the news about electronics each Thursday at 9 pm EasternLive.
Follow them on RSS feed, ListenNotes, and iTunes.
10. The AMP Hour Electronics
This podcast is about projects, news and features interesting guests from the electronics industry. They issue one episode per week. The average length of one episode is 75 minutes. These guys have 2k followers on Facebook and 11.5k on Twitter.
This is also the longest-running electronic podcast you will ever find. It started back in 2010. 11 years of operation is a huge term. The hosts are Chris Gammell and Dave Jones (of the EEVblog). It is just a perfect podcast for the most loyal fans of electronics.
These were the top 10 podcasts about electronics that would be really helpful for you if you are genuinely interested in this field. Be aware of all the news and have some fun with interesting and charismatic hosts.
Lots of them are currently adding subtitles to videos which makes the engagement even better. It will help you not lose any of the information and find it immediately.