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Comparison of Proportional Integral Derivative Controllers (PID)

The components of a PID controller – Proportional (P), Integral (I), and Derivative (D) each have distinct characteristics and applications. These controllers can also be used independently or in combinations like PI, PD, etc.

Comparison of Proportional Integral Derivative Controllers

Comparison of Proportional Integral Derivative Controllers (PID)

The following table shows the differences between the P, I, and D controller functions.

ParameterP ControllerI ControllerD Controller
Principle of OperationProportional to errorIntegral of errorDerivative of error
Error EliminationSteady-state errorEliminates steady-state errorDoes not eliminate any error
StabilityModerateMay reduce stabilityIncreases stability
Response TimeFastSlowFast
System Type SuitabilityFirst order systemsSystems with steady-state errorsSystems requiring damping
Implementation ComplexityLowModerateModerate
Application ExamplesLevel control, temperature controlCruise control, HVACDamping control, robotics
Tuning ComplexityLowModerateModerate
Control ActionProportional to present errorBased on accumulated past errorsPredictive, based on rate of error change

Explanation of the terms:

  • Principle of Operation: The mathematical relationship that dictates how each controller type reacts to the error signal.
  • Error Elimination: How effective the controller is at eliminating system error.
  • Stability: How the controller affects the system’s stability.
  • Overshoot: The extent to which the system exceeds its setpoint.
  • Response Time: How quickly the controller reacts to an error.
  • System Type Suitability: Types of systems where each controller is most effective.
  • Implementation Complexity: The complexity involved in implementing each type of control.
  • Cost: The relative cost of implementing each control type.
  • Application Examples: Common applications where each type of control is often used.
  • Tuning Complexity: How difficult it is to tune the parameters for optimal performance.
  • Control Action: Describes what aspect of the error signal the controller acts upon.

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