11 kV, 3.3 kV, and 400 V systems insulation resistance (IR) Problems
Electrical engineering root cause analysis (RCA) related to 11 kV, 3.3 kV, and 400 V systems insulation resistance (IR) values made infinity forever.
Electrical engineering root cause analysis (RCA) related to 11 kV, 3.3 kV, and 400 V systems insulation resistance (IR) values made infinity forever.
Phase to Phase and or Phase to earth short circuit flashovers damaged the bus ducts, switchgears, transformers, and other electrical equipment.
Basically, a magnetic contactor works on the same principle as a relay, connecting and disconnecting electricity.
A large gate valve’s failed motorized operation threatens NH3 plant guarantee test completion.
Every turnaround (TA) done CO2 Absorber corroded wall thickness weld building – a perennial problem resolved.
Renewing the CO2 stripper collapsed internal trays was a recurring and expensive turnaround job since plant commissioning a decade ago.
After several years of service the urea reactor top bolted plug developed leaks. This root cause analysis solved the problem.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA): Ruined Demineralization (Demin) vessel internals threaten indefinite Ammonia plant shutdown.
Home developed motor vibrators lot better than provided vibrators boost safety and production.
Home-made Rotary Drier Shell to Split Gear drive eliminates too frequent drive failures.