Calculate the Thermocouple’s Measurement Junction Temperature

Type K thermocouple

A type K thermocouple is inserted into a process, with a digital multimeter connected to its terminals.

The ambient temperature at the DMM’s test lead connections is 84 oF.

Calculate the thermocouple’s measurement junction temperature at the following millivolt measurements (rounding to the nearest degree Fahrenheit):

  • 2.55 mV ; T = ______ deg F
  • 6.21 mV ; T = ______ deg F
  • 10.93 mV ; T = ______ deg F
  • 18.83 mV ; T = ______ deg F

Answer :

All answers based on ITS-90 thermocouple table values:

  • 2.55 mV ; T = 195 deg F
  • 6.21 mV ; T = 357 deg F
  • 10.93 mV ; T = 567 deg F
  • 18.83 mV ; T = 904 deg F

Type J thermocouple

A type J thermocouple is inserted into a process, with a digital multimeter connected to its terminals.

The ambient temperature at the DMM’s test lead connections is 17 oC.

Calculate the thermocouple’s measurement junction temperature at the following millivolt measurements (rounding to the nearest degree Celsius):

  • 5.05 mV ; T = ______ deg F
  • 17.82 mV ; T = ______ deg F
  • 31.44 mV ; T = ______ deg F
  • 40.29 mV ; T = ______ deg F

Answer :

All answers based on ITS-90 thermocouple table values:

  • 5.05 mV ; T = 112 deg C
  • 17.82 mV ; T = 346 deg C
  • 31.44 mV ; T = 586 deg C
  • 40.29 mV ; T = 732 deg C
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