This formula used to convert transmitter Linear Percentage to Square root Percentage conversion. Calculating the equivalent Square root Percentage for any given Linear Percentage.
Linear Percentage to Square root Percentage
Square root % = Sqrt(X).(10)
X is Linear Percentage Value
Convert 50 % linear to square root
Square root % = √X*10
Square root % = √50*10
Square root % = 70.71%
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Hello Already Explained in Level Measurement Category. Plz check.
linear ma to square root ma explain
Hello Manivannan, Its already published. Pl Check in Formulas Category. Thanks
Dear s bharadwaj reddy sir,
You are great man. This app is very useful for me.
Thank you so much…
We use for Flow=sqrt D.P x k
=sqrt D.P x 10
How we got the value for k as 10
Also in transmitter supply cable both sending of signal and powering up can take place,how its possible,i mean 4-20 ma can be send and 24 vdc is supplied same time,what is the principle behind it
mr bharadwaj sir
this site is simply helped me many times
Dear sir,
This app is very useful for my projects. Thanks and regards