Now you can do ladder logic programming using your mobile. These android apps help you to practice using the PLC simulator on your phones.
You can download the android from the google play store to design your PLC programs and to test your logic using the PLC simulators.
Macro PLC Simulator
This PLC simulator app is user-friendly and very useful for students to learn PLC programming using their mobiles.
This PLC app has powerful inbuilt features like timers, counters, comparators are available in the application.

This app provides the following features.
- Simulation of Inputs and Outputs
- Real-time programming
- Ladder logic using Timers
- Ladder logic using Counters
- Ladder logic using Comparators
- Edge-detection instructions
- Internal Flags and Memory bits
Download the PLC Simulator App
Click on the above link to download the android app.
PLC Ladder Simulator
The PLC ladder simulator works on the Android operating system where you can create the ladder logic diagrams using the instructions available in the app library.

You can simulate your PLC programs in a real-time virtual environment.
This PLC programming application is simple to use to design more rungs in the ladder logic.
Use the above links to download and install the app on your android mobile or desktop.
PLC Ladder Logic Simulator
This is one more android application to write your own PLC programs and do the simulation of your logic.

The PLC ladder logic simulator supports
- The simulation of ladder logic
- The simulation of inputs & outputs
- The simulation of timers
- The simulation of counters and many more.
Follow the above link to download the PLC app from the play store.
PLC Trainer
This mobile app helps you to understand how a PLC works?, PLC block diagrams, and PLC simulator.

You can design simple ladder logic like latching circuits, seal-in circuits, motor control logics, gate logic, timer logics, counter logics, etc.
Download PLC Simulator for Android
Download PLC Simulator for IOS
Use the above download link option to install on your mobile.
PLC Ladder Simulator for Arduino

This app helps you to simulate the PLC ladder logic for Arduino boards.
PLC Editor

PlcEdit is an android mobile application that supports PLC Programming for Mitsubishi, Panasonic, and Siemens PLCs.
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Read Next
- Siemens PLC Course
- Allen Bradley PLC Course
- InTouch SCADA Course
- Wincc SCADA Course
- PLC Introduction Course
This app is for an older android version.