Compounded DC Generator

Parallel AC Generators

Paralleling AC Generators Most electrical power grids and distribution systems have more than one AC generator operating at one time.

AC Generator Nameplate Ratings

AC Generator Nameplate Ratings

Typical name plate data for an AC generator (Figure) includes: (1) manufacturer; (2) serial number and type number; (3) speed

AC Generator Operation

Losses in AC Generator

The load current flows through the armature in all AC generators. Like any coil, the armature has some amount of

AC Generator Operation

AC Generator Theory

AC generators are widely used to produce AC voltage. To understand how these generators operate, the basic theory of operation

Basic AC Generator

AC Generator Parts

AC generators are widely used to produce AC voltage. To understand how these generators operate, the function of each component

Unbalanced 3 Phase Loads

Unbalanced 3 Phase Loads

An important property of a three-phase balanced system is that the phasor sum of the three line or phase voltages

3 Phase Balanced Loads

Power in Balanced 3 Phase Loads

Balanced loads, in a 3φ system, have identical impedance in each secondary winding (Figure 12). The impedance of each winding

3φ AC Power Connections

Three Phase Systems

A three-phase (3φ) system is a combination of three single-phase systems. In a 3φ balanced system, power comes from a