A collection list of free cybersecurity labs to practice and test your REDTEAM, BLUETEAM and CTF Skills online.
Cybersecurity Labs

- Attack-Defense
- Alert to win
- Bancocn
- CTF Komodo Security
- CryptoHack
- CMD Challenge
- Explotation Education
- Google CTF
- HackTheBox
- Hackthis
- Hacksplaining
- Hacker101
- Hacker Security
- Hacking-Lab
- ImmersiveLabs
- NewbieContest
- OverTheWire
- Practical Pentest Labs
- Pentestlab
- Hackaflag BR
- Penetration Testing Practice Labs
- PentestIT LAB
- PicoCTF
- Root-Me
- Root in Jail
- SANS Challenger
- SmashTheStack
- The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges
- Try Hack Me
- Vulnhub
- W3Challs
- WeChall
- Zenk-Security
- Cyberdefenders
- LetsDefend
- Vulnmachines
- Rangeforce
- Ctftime
- Pwn college
This wonderful list of cyber security labs is taken from GitHub and created by Nicky.