Circular Chart Recorder Calibration Procedure

Barton Make Circular Chart Recorder. Can you help me out with the calibration procedures ?

Circular Chart Recorder

Two types of Circular Chart recorders are available for pressure recording.

One type is applying direct process pressure. For Example 0-100 psi range.

Recorder need to be calibrated according to the operating range on dead weight tester, This is same like calibration of pressure gauge in Lab.

Another type works on output from 3-15 PSI signal from Pressure Transmitter.

Calibrate recorder at 3 psi as zero and 15 psi at full scale.

Calibration Procedure:

Step 1: Apply known range pressure by a dead weight tester or 3-15 psi by precision regulator.

Step 2: Apply full range pressure to recorder. Adjust linkage to recorder so that pointer is max reading on the chart scale.

Step 3: Reduce pressure to zero and check the pointer reads zero on the chart.Adjust pointer if necessary.

Step 4: Repeat the steps 2 and 3 until both readings are correct.

Step 5 : Recorder linearity adjustment by keeping the signal 50 % of max reading on the chart. Adjust 50%.

Step 6 : Check the reading for 0%, 50% and full scale. you may need to adjust many times till the recorder readings are correct.

Step 7 : Record all readings on Calibration sheet.

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2 thoughts on “Circular Chart Recorder Calibration Procedure”

  1. Thank you so very much for uploading the article on chart recorder calibration procedure. It would be great tool in carrying out the field assignments.


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