Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Questions and Answers – 1

Suppose we have a PLC connected to three pushbutton switches as shown in this illustration:

PLC Questions - 1

In the above diagram :

  • X1 to X4 : Digital Inputs
  • Y1 to Y4 : Digital Outputs

Determine the switch actuation statuses (i.e. pressed versus released) given the “live” display of the ladder logic program shown here:

PLC Switch Logic

Also, determine the status of the lamp connected to the PLC’s Y1 output.

Answer :

Switch statuses:

  • Switch A = pressed
  • Switch B = released
  • Switch C = released

The lamp will be de-energized.

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Credits :  Tony R. Kuphaldt – under CC BY 1.0

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4 thoughts on “Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Questions and Answers – 1”

  1. A lampada só acenderar se A e C for prenssionados juntos

    Translated : The lamp only glow if A and C together is present.

  2. As per the ABC switch status,
    Status A- NO Switch – In logic it is NC – Enabled state
    Staus B – NC Switch – In Logic it is NO – Enabled State
    Status C – NO switch – in logic it is NC – Enabled state
    Therefore, Output(Y1) will glow until switch state change.


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