In this article, you will find the 300 power electronics projects and top electrical major project titles for your final year engineering and diploma project.
Power Electronics Projects

S.No. | Power Electronics |
1 | Online Battery Impedance Spectrum Measurement with Single-Perturbation-Cycle and Closed-Loop Converter Control |
2 | Integrated SEPIC-Flyback Converter as Efficient LED Driver with Power Factor Correction |
3 | AC-AC Modular Multilevel Hexagonal Chopper Based Simulation Study of FACTS Devices |
4 | Anti-EMI Noise Digital Filter for a 60 kW 5-Level SiC Inverter without Fiber Isolation |
5 | Unbalanced Grid Condition Arm Current Control Strategy for Modular Multilevel Converters |
6 | Efficiency Enhancement in a Single-Stage Three-Phase Boost Power Factor Correction Rectifier |
7 | Adaptive Harmonic Mitigation Technique for High-Efficiency Solar Inverters |
8 | Adaptive Virtual Impedance for Accurate Reactive Power Sharing in Microgrids |
9 | HVDC Grid Interface DC-DC MMC for Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Conversion Systems |
10 | Fault Analysis and Test Requirement Definition for Multi-Terminal HVDC Grid with HVDC Circuit Breakers |
11 | Interlinked AC/DC Microgrids Control via Data-Driven and Dual-Droop Model-Free Adaptive Methods |
12 | High Frequency AC Power Distribution Using Multiport Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverters |
13 | Control Strategy for Minimizing DC Current Injection in Single-Phase PV Inverters |
14 | Non-Ideal Power Grid Power Decoupling Strategy Design for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters |
15 | Three-Phase Four-Wire Inverters: Cascaded Three-Phase Converters with Four and Three Legs |
16 | Decentralized Active Balancing in Battery Management Systems |
17 | Parallel-Connected Diode-Clamped Modular Multilevel Converter with Voltage Self-Balancing |
18 | Switched-Capacitor Structure Based Self-Balanced Step-Up Multilevel Inverter. |
19 | Innovative Bridgeless Cuk PFC Converter with Reduced Current Stress |
20 | MMC-Based Isolated DC/DC Converter with Dual Channel Control and DC Fault Ride Through |
21 | Enhanced Small-Signal Model for the Phase-Shifted Full Bridge Converter |
22 | Single-Phase Multilevel Six-Leg Converter with Reduced Controlled Switches |
23 | Nonlinearity Compensation in Single-Phase Grid-Tied Inverters Across Continuous and Discontinuous Current Modes |
24 | Single-Stage Grid-Connected Bi-Directional Inverter for Battery Energy Storage Systems |
25 | Dynamic Stability Effects of Front-end Converter and DC-link in Utility-Scale PV Systems |
26 | Three-Phase Isolated Full-Bridge Boost PFC Converter with Passive Flyback Auxiliary Circuit Start-Up Scheme |
27 | Active Power Compensation for Single-Phase Current Source Rectifiers |
28 | Wide Voltage-Gain Range Interleaved Switched-Capacitor Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Energy Storage Systems |
29 | Reduced Input Current Ripple Current-Fed Hybrid Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter for Fuel Cell Power Systems |
30 | Real-Time Simulation Architecture and Enhanced Model for Modular Multilevel Converter |
31 | Enhanced High-Power Inductive Transfer with Modular Parallel Multi-Inverter Systems |
32 | Grid-Connected Voltage Sourced Converters Control Using Enhanced Instantaneous Power Theory Under Unbalanced Conditions |
33 | Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors: Low Frequency Impedance Monitoring and Failure Criteria |
34 | DC-Link Capacitor Voltage Control in Single-Phase Power Filters with Error Cancellation |
35 | Frequency-Adaptive Filtering for Harmonic Current in Fuel Cell Power Systems |
36 | Series-Parallel Full-Bridge DC/DC Converter with Current-Driven Design |
37 | Modified Series-Capacitor High Conversion Ratio DC-DC Converter for Eliminating Start-Up Voltage Stress |
38 | Cascaded Three-Leg Converters Based New Three-Phase AC-DC-AC Multilevel Converter |
39 | Capacitor Voltage Consideration in Average-Value Modeling of Modular Multilevel Converters |
40 | Single Stage Solid State Transformer for Efficient AC Drives |
41 | High Gain Converter with Input-Parallel Output-Series Architecture and Dual Coupled-Inductors |
42 | Lifetime Estimation of DC-Link Capacitors in Adjustable Speed Drives Under Grid Voltage Unbalances |
43 | Design of Soft-Switching Solid State Transformer (S4T) |
44 | Reduced Inductor Count in Cascaded Dual-Buck Inverter |
45 | Adaptive Frequency Locked Loop in Single-Phase Systems with Fixed-Length Transfer Delays |
46 | Weak Grids Frequency Control Impact Analysis: Interfacing LCC-HVDC with DFIG Wind Farms |
47 | Decoupled Control of Grid-Connected Split-Source Inverters |
48 | Novel LED Drive System Utilizing Matrix Rectification |
49 | Totem-Pole Bridgeless PFC Converter for Enhanced Electric Vehicle Charging |
50 | Mitigation of DC Voltage Fluctuations in MMC-based HVDC Systems Using Virtual Capacitor Control |
51 | A Three-Phase Multilevel Hybrid Switched-Capacitor PWM Rectifier for High Voltage Applications |
52 | Modified DC Power Electronic Transformer Based on Full-Bridge Converter Series Connection |
53 | Integrated Three-Level Isolated Single-Stage PFC Converter |
54 | Bidirectional Grid-Tied Converter with Single Power Conversion for High-Quality Grid Current |
55 | Enhanced Three Switch Isolated Boost DC-DC Converter |
56 | High Dynamic Control of MMC with Precise Discrete-Time Modeling and Experimental Validation |
57 | Bidirectional Multi-Output Active Buck PFC Rectifier |
58 | Medium Frequency Transformer Based Isolated AC-DC Converter for Offshore Wind Turbine DC Collection Grid |
59 | Novel Capacitor-Based Multilevel Inverter with Minimized Switch Count |
60 | T-type Direct AC/AC Converter Topology |
61 | Evaluating Current Quality over Time in Single-Phase Multilevel PWM Inverters |
62 | DC Grid Damping and Modeling Control Using Modular Multilevel Converters |
63 | Capacitance Reduction in Cascaded H-Bridge Converter-Based Regenerative Motor Drive Systems with Power Decoupling Control |
64 | Beat Frequency Oscillation Analysis in DC Nanogrids: Crossed Frequency Output Impedance Matrix Model |
65 | Active Damping Techniques for LCL Resonance in Grid-Connected Converters |
66 | AC Microgrid Power Control and Storage Reduction Using Hybrid Electric Springs |
67 | Harmonic State Space Modeling for Harmonic Interaction Analysis in Grid-Connected Converters |
68 | Wide Speed Range Control of Medium Voltage AC Motor Drives Using Modular Multilevel Converter |
69 | Mitigating Phase Voltage Distortion in Multi-Level Inverters with an Open End Winding Motor Approach |
70 | Zero Frequency Operation of Medium-Voltage Vector Control Induction Motor Drive Using Modular Multilevel Converter |
71 | Single-Stage Single-Phase Isolated AC-DC Converters for Efficient Battery Charging |
72 | Reduced Submodule Capacitance Buck/Boost Modular Multilevel DC/DC Converter with PWM Control Scheme |
73 | Three Phase Multilevel Inverter with Optimized Separate Level and Phase Sequence Generation |
74 | Fault-Tolerant T-Type Multilevel Inverter with Enhanced Overload Capability and Soft-Switching Characteristics |
75 | Improved Matrix Converter Switching Scheme for Induction Motor Drives |
76 | Efficient Bidirectional DC-AC Conversion with Non-Complementary Active-Clamp Circuits |
77 | Forbidden-Region-Based Stability Criterion for AC Grid-Converter Systems in Modified Sequence-Domain |
78 | Grid Connected MMC Arm Balancing Control and Experimental Validation with Pulsed DC Load |
79 | Extended SVM Based Timing Correction Algorithm for Over Modulation Zone in Three Level Neutral Point Clamped MLI |
80 | Novel Hybrid Arm Bipolar MMC Topology with DC Fault Ride-Through Capability |
81 | Analysis and Fault Control in Hybrid MMC with Integrated Battery Energy Storage System |
82 | New Reduced-Component Hybrid Flying Capacitor Multicell Converter |
83 | Feasibility Demonstration of Voltage Controlled Capacitor in DC-DC Converters |
84 | Quadruple Active Bridge DC/DC Converter Power Routing Based on Lifetime Considerations |
85 | Floating Capacitor Bridge Control Scheme for Open-Ended Induction Motor Drives Over Wide Speed Range |
86 | Fault Diagnosis for Multi-Switches in Voltage-Source Inverters of PMSM Drives Using Low Frequency Data |
87 | Ground Connection Between PV Negative Terminal and Grid Neutral Point in Multilevel Transformerless Inverter |
88 | Boost Three-Level AC/DC Converters in Electric Power Distribution System Applications |
89 | Load Sharing Distributed Coordination of Multiple PMSGs in an Islanded DC Microgrid |
90 | Generation and Drive Systems for Higher Voltage Levels Using Stacked Inverters |
91 | Voltage Ripple Mitigation in Hybrid AC-DC Power Grids with Plug-and-Play DC Links. |
92 | Solid-State Single-Port Series Damping Devices for DC Microgrid Power Converters |
93 | Zero/Low Fundamental Frequency Operation Star-Channel Modular Multilevel Converter without Common-Mode Voltage Injection |
94 | Modified Zeta Converter for Improved Power Factor in Welding Power Supplies |
95 | Coupled Inductor-Based Interleaved SEPIC Pre-Regulators for Wide Output Voltage Range |
96 | Real-Time Model Predictive Control on Advanced Packed U-Cell Inverters. |
97 | Current-Mode Controlled Shade-Tolerant MPPT for High Performance |
98 | Integrating Battery Storage and Solar PV System in Standalone Mode using Varying Phase Angle Control in Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter |
99 | Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter Decoupled Control Strategy for Fractional Frequency Transmission Systems |
100 | High-Voltage DC-DC Converter without Transformer for DC Grid Interconnection |
101 | Arm Balancing and Experimental Validation in Grid Connected MMC with Pulsed DC Load |
102 | T-Structured Three-Level Inverter Optimization for PWM Strategy and Common Mode Voltage Elimination |
103 | Ultra Reliable and Efficient Single-Stage High-Frequency AC-Link Converters |
104 | Multiple Interlinking Converters in Autonomous Operation of a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid |
105 | Frequency Control in Island VSC-HVDC Links Operating Parallel with AC Interconnectors and Onsite Generation |
106 | Single-Phase AC-to-DC Converters with Enhanced Automatic-Power-Decoupling Control Method |
107 | Solar PV Power Generating System Control Using Damped-SOGI Based Algorithm |
108 | Power Density and Efficiency Enhancement in ICN DC-DC Converters Through Topology Morphing Control |
109 | Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with Variable Inductor for Electric Vehicles |
110 | Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter with Variable Slope Trapezoidal Reference Signal for DC Fault Tolerance |
111 | Predictive Control for Dual Output Indirect Matrix Converters |
112 | Bi-Directional Converter Design for Flywheel Energy Storage Systems |
113 | New Transformerless Buck-Boost Converter Design |
114 | Model Predictive Control Application in Quasi-Z-Source Four-Leg Inverter |
115 | High Bandwidth Current Control Strategy for SiC MOSFET Active Front-End Rectifiers Under Unbalanced Input Voltage |
116 | Analyzing the Interplay between Indirect DC-Voltage Estimation and Circulating Current Control in MMC-based HVDC Systems |
117 | Delta-Connected Cascaded H-Bridge Converter’s Use in Distributed Energy and Fault Ride Through Capability |
118 | Reactive Power Disturbance Based Islanding Detection for Inverter-Based Generators |
119 | High-Performance Resonant Converters for Industrial Power Applications |
120 | Voltage-Multiplier Unidirectional Single-Phase Hybrid Boost PFC Rectifiers |
121 | Sensorless Control Approaches in Synchronous Buck Converters |
122 | Transformerless High-Voltage DC-DC Converter Design for DC Grid Interconnection |
123 | Designing DC System Protection with Z-Source Circuit Breakers |
124 | Unidirectional Single-Stage Three-Phase Soft-Switched Isolated DC-AC Converter |
125 | Bidirectional Three-Level Model Predictive Current Controlled DCDC Converter for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems |
126 | Impact and Management of Circulating Current in High-Performance Rectifiers |
127 | Single-Phase PV Quasi-Z-Source Inverter with Enhanced Modulation and Ripple Control |
128 | Multilevel Current Source Inverter with Energy-Recovery for Inductor Current Balancing |
129 | Stability Enhancement of Synchronverters with Virtual Inductors and Capacitors Plus Anti-Windup |
130 | Loss Minimization Control in Marine Current Turbine Systems Using Energetic Macroscopic Representation |
131 | Controllable Phase and Amplitude in Model AC-AC Converter |
132 | Generalized Unbalanced Condition Control in Parallel Three-Phase PWM Converters |
133 | Adaptive Voltage Control for Grid-Connected Inverters with LCL Filters |
134 | Innovative Resonant Switched-Capacitor Converter with Active Zero Current Detection |
135 | Simplified Capacitor Voltage Balancing Control in Novel Diode Clamped Modular Multilevel Converter |
136 | Voltage and Power Stability Enhancement in Electric Springs for Power Factor Correction |
137 | Three-Phase High Step-Down Isolated ACDC Converter |
138 | Three-phase Two-level Power Factor Correction Rectifiers Passive LCL Filter Analytical Design |
139 | Mitigating Ac Harmonic Resonances in Multi-terminal MMC HVDC Systems |
140 | Stability Analysis of Grid-Synchronized Three-Phase Paralleled Converters |
141 | Asynchronous Induction Coil Launcher: Research on Varying Frequency Driving Scheme |
142 | Sensorless Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Photovoltaic Converter Systems |
143 | Dynamic Stability Assessment of Utility-Scale PV System’s Front-end Converter and DC-link |
144 | Innovative Dual Buck Inverter Design with Diode Series Connections |
145 | Multi-Level Converter Design for Open-Ended Winding Motor Drive |
146 | High-Voltage Gain Impedance Network Boost Converter |
147 | Advanced Voltage Support and Power Flow Control in Grid-Connected Converters under Unbalanced Conditions |
148 | Phase Shift Controlled Modular Multilevel DC/DC Converters for High Voltage Applications |
149 | Renewable Energy Boosting with a Novel Converter Design |
150 | Modeling of DC Distribution Systems Incorporating Dual Active Bridge Converters |
151 | Predictive Control of a Grid-Connected Voltage-Sourced Converter with Low Switching Frequency |
152 | Refined s-Parameter Based Optimized Control for LCL-VSC Converters |
153 | High-Frequency Three-Phase Bi-Directional ACDC Converters Using Critical-Mode-Based Soft-Switching |
154 | MMC with Decoupled Current Control and Synchronous Frequency Damping Considering Submodule Capacitor Voltage Ripple |
155 | Reactive Power Sharing with Improved Droop Control in Microgrids |
156 | Integrated LLC Resonant Converter with Fixed-Frequency PWM for Renewable Energy |
157 | High-Efficiency Step-Down Converters Utilizing Coupled Inductors |
158 | Dynamic Voltage Restoration Techniques Using Multilevel Inverters |
159 | Regenerative Braking System Modeling and Analysis with a Battery-Supercapacitor Energy Storage. |
160 | Novel Approaches in Three-Phase Cascaded Half-Bridge Inverters |
161 | Electro oration Applications: Transition Arm Modular Multilevel Universal Pulse-Waveform Generator |
162 | Discontinuous Space Vector PWM in abc Frame for Multilevel Three-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters |
163 | Four-Switch Three-Phase SEPIC-Based Inverter Design |
164 | Arm Current Control Based Modular Multilevel Converter Control Strategy under Unbalanced Grid Condition |
165 | Experimental Study on Capacitors for Power Buffering in Single-Phase Power Converters |
166 | High Voltage DC Application in Photovoltaic Systems Using Quasi-Z-Source DC-DC Converters |
167 | Enhanced Single Phase Step-Up Five-Level Inverter |
168 | Feedback Control System Design for a Two-Staged AC-DC Converter Based on Reduced State Observer |
169 | Energy Reallocation Based Control Strategy for Modular Multilevel Converters with Extra Sub-modules |
170 | Integrated High-Frequency Inverter Designs with Coupled Inductor Bridge Arm |
171 | High Voltage Gain Integrated Buck-Boost-Flyback Converter for Energy Systems |
172 | Three-Port Converter Based Autonomous Output Voltage-Sharing in Distributed DC Grid-Connected PV Systems |
173 | DC Fault Protection in Modular Multilevel Converter for HVDC Applications |
174 | High-Efficiency Bidirectional Buck-Boost Converter for Smart Grid Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems |
175 | Automatic-Power-Decoupling Control Method Enhancement for Single-Phase AC-to-DC Converters |
176 | Bumpless Control Techniques for Lowering THD in Power Factor Correction Circuits |
177 | Operating a Quasi-Z-Source Inverter with a T-Type Converter Under Various Modes |
178 | Medium Voltage Load Modeling for Cascaded H-Bridge Multi-Level Inverter Systems |
179 | MMC Topology with Unidirectional Current H-Bridge Sub-Module and Active Circulating Current Injection |
180 | Power Control of Three-Phase Converters under Unbalanced AC Sources |
181 | Advanced Control Strategies for Multilevel Modular Capacitor-Switched Converters |
182 | PLL Stability Boundary Analysis in Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters via LTP Theory |
183 | VSC-MTDC System Adaptive Droop Control for Enhanced Frequency Support and Power Sharing |
184 | Dual-Interfacing-Converters Coordinated Control for Microgrid Voltage and Current Harmonics Compensation |
185 | Bifurcation Analysis of Parallel-Connected Voltage-Source Inverters with Constant Power Loads |
186 | Modulated Model-Based Predictive Control in Modular Multilevel ACAC Converters |
187 | Hybrid AC/LVDC Micro-grid Based on ACMC |
188 | Harmonic Reduction and Dynamic Response Improvement in Two-Stage Single-Phase Inverters |
189 | Reduced-Switch-Count Controlled Switches in Low-Power Two-Phase PM Machine Energy Generation Systems |
190 | Single-Phase Step-Up Five-Level Inverter Design |
191 | Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting Architectures with Cascaded Power Optimizers: Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking Using Model Predictive Control |
192 | Enhanced Independent Control of Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converters in HVDC Systems |
193 | Solar Energy Powered DC Load Optimization in Flyback Converter Design |
194 | Reliability Enhancement in Modular Multilevel Converters with Neutral Shift |
195 | Decoupled Control Scheme for Grid-Connected Split-Source Inverters |
196 | Direct Power Control Derived Vector Current Control for Grid-Connected Inverters |
197 | Next-Generation Smart Matrix Converters for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations |
198 | Direct Power Control for Three-Phase PWM Rectifiers with Natural Switching |
199 | Conversion System for Single-Phase to Three-Phase AC-DC-AC |
200 | Novel Design and Implementation of Multilevel DC-AC Inverter |
201 | Nonlinear Single-Phase PWM Rectifiers with Built-In Current-Limiting |
202 | Dual Inverter Hybrid Modulation for Open-End Permanent Magnet Motors |
203 | Bi-Directional Resonant Converter Featuring High-Frequency PCB Winding Transformer and Integrated Inductors |
204 | Smart DC Home: Decentralized Cooperative Control with DC Fault Handling |
205 | Quasi Cascaded H-Bridge Five-Level Boost Inverter |
206 | Novel DC-Power Control for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters |
207 | Mitigating DC Voltage Fluctuations in MMC-based HVDC Systems using Virtual Capacitor Control |
208 | Designs and Strategies for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters |
209 | DC/DC Current-Source Parallel-Resonant Converter Control Using Frequency-Modulation |
210 | Enhancing Effectiveness of Passive Current Balancing in Interleaved Multiphase Bidirectional DC-DC Converters |
211 | Single-Stage AC-AC Converter with Controllable Phase and Amplitude |
212 | Discrete-Time Sliding-Mode Observer for Modular Multilevel Converters in Capacitor Voltage Control |
213 | Bidirectional Electrolytic Capacitor-less Three-phase Inverter for Fuel Cell Vehicles: Hybrid Modulation, Design, and Results |
214 | Simplified Control for Four-Level Nested Neutral-Point Clamped Inverters for Flying-Capacitor Voltage Management |
215 | Pulsed DC Load Arm Balancing Control and Experimental Validation in Grid Connected MMC |
216 | Simplified Modeling and Capacitor Voltage Balancing of Single-Phase AC/AC Modular Converters for Railway Traction |
217 | Low Energy Storage Requirement Full-Bridge Modular Multilevel Converter Design for HVDC Transmission Systems |
218 | MMC-Based Isolated DC/DC Converter Dual Channel Control with DC Fault Ride Through |
219 | Frequency Support and Power Sharing in Island VSC-HVDC Links with AC Interconnectors |
220 | Fast Transient Response Decentralized Current-Sharing Controller for Parallel DC-DC Converters |
221 | Extending Fuel Cell Lifetime in Hybrid Energy Management Systems with Lure-Lyapunov Based Control |
222 | Enhanced Performance in Isolated Three-Phase Single-Stage Cuk-Based PFC Converters |
223 | Adaptive Droop Control for Frequency Support and Power Sharing in VSC-MTDC Systems |
224 | Single-Inductor Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Deadbeat Control in DC-DC Converters |
225 | Matrix Converter Enhanced Active Distribution Transformer |
226 | Hybrid Battery Type Integration with New State-of-Charge Control Derivation Method |
227 | Ultra High Voltage Gain in Interleaved-Input Series-Output DC-DC Converters |
228 | PFM-APWM Hybrid Modulated Soft-Switched Converter for High-Power LED Lighting with Low Bus Voltage |
229 | (2N+1) Selective Harmonic Elimination-PWM for Modular Multilevel Converters with Circulating Current Control Method |
230 | Design of a High Step-Down Isolated Three-Phase ACDC Converter |
231 | Three-Phase High Step-Down Isolated ACDC Converter |
232 | High-Frequency Link Grid-Connected Inverters with Innovative Single-Stage Variable Turns Ratio |
233 | Fuzzy Logic Enhanced Switching Methodology for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters |
234 | Compromise Controller Design for Current Sharing and Voltage Regulation in DC Microgrids |
235 | DTC Strategy for IPMSMs with Constant Inverter Switching Frequency and Reduced Torque Ripples in Multilevel Inverters |
236 | Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Designs for Varied Applications |
237 | Bridgeless Converter Enhanced Computer Power Supply for Improved Power Quality |
238 | Reduced Part Count Sensorless Multilevel Inverter Design and Implementation |
239 | High Power Mining Applications Design and Control of a High Power Low Losses DC-DC Converter |
240 | Arm Current Control Based Modular Multilevel Converter Control Strategy under Unbalanced Grid Conditions |
241 | Design of a Bidirectional Single-Stage Three-Phase Rectifier with High-Frequency Isolation and Power Factor Correction |
242 | Improved Decoupled Control Scheme for Grid-Connected Split-Source Inverters |
243 | Novel Control Scheme for Improved Transient Performance in Islanded Hybrid AC-DC Microgrids |
244 | Multilevel Hybrid Switched-Capacitor PWM PFC Rectifier for High-Voltage Applications |
245 | Low THD and High Power Factor Bridgeless SEPIC PFC Converter |
246 | Innovative Design for a Multilevel Multi-Output Bidirectional Active Buck PFC Rectifier |
247 | Enhanced Independent Pole Control of Hybrid MMC-HVDC Systems |
248 | Hybrid Power Supply System for Aluminum Electrolysis Industry Based on Quasi-Z-Source Network |
249 | Standby Mode Low Power Consumption Implementation in Power Supplies with Power Factor Correction |
250 | DC Fault Ride Through and Dual Channel Control in MMC-Based Isolated Converters |
251 | Strategies for Redundancy in Modular Multilevel Converters |
252 | Bidirectional Flow Control in Single-Phase Power Converters for Home Energy Systems. |
253 | Asymmetrical Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Converter Topology for Traction Systems |
254 | Energy Efficient Buck Converter Switching Control |
255 | Wide Voltage Range Interleaved SEPIC Regulators with Coupled Inductors |
256 | Operational Analysis and Comparative Evaluation of Improved _-Z-Source Inverter with Clamping Diode |
257 | Fault-Tolerant Control Strategies for Rectifiers in Wind Turbine Systems |
258 | Symmetrical Hybrid Nine-Level Inverter Topology and Capacitor Voltage Balancing Control for High-Speed Motor Drives |
259 | Grid-Connected Multiple-Pole Multilevel Rectifiers for Efficient Power Conversion |
260 | Equal Sequence Component Control of Modular Multilevel Converters under Singular Unbalanced Voltage Conditions |
261 | Fast Fault Diagnosis Method for Hall Sensors in Brushless DC Motor Drives |
262 | Performance Analysis and Control of MMC Submodules for HVDC Back-to-Back Applications |
263 | DC-Link Voltage Regulation Based Inverter Power Control for IPMSM Drives without Electrolytic Capacitors |
264 | Hybrid PWM Technique for Reduced THD in Distributed Energy Systems |
265 | Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation in Medium-Voltage Modular Multilevel Converters |
266 | Third-Harmonic Injection Technique in Three-Level T-Type Indirect Matrix Converters |
267 | Variable-Frequency Phase Shift Modulation in Dual Active Bridge Converters |
268 | Reactive Power Reduction in Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converters via Optimal Phase Shift Control |
269 | Multipurpose Adaptive Notch Filter Control Scheme for Three-Phase Four-Wire DG Inverter |
270 | Wide-Load-Range Efficiency Enhancement in High-Frequency SiC-Based Boost Converters with Hybrid Discontinuous Current Mode |
271 | Three Switches Enhanced Isolated Boost DC-DC Converter |
272 | Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter’s Multiple-Input Configuration for Combinational Battery Storage Power Flow Control |
273 | Three-Phase Dual-Active-Bridge DC-DC Converters Generalized Averaging Modeling and Three Variable Control Strategy |
274 | Power Electronics Driven Energy Management System Incorporating Energy Storage |
275 | Fractional-Order and Fuzzy Logic Control Combined Enhanced MPPT Method |
276 | High Step-Up Semiactive Boost Converters for Energy Applications |
277 | Bipolar/Unipolar High-Voltage Pulse Generator with Low-Voltage Components for Water Treatment |
278 | Innovative Design of a Multilevel DC-AC Inverter |
279 | Flying Capacitor Submodules in Modular Multilevel Converter Start-Up Operation |
280 | Voltage Balancing Method for Nested Neutral Point Clamped Inverters |
281 | MMC in HVDC Transmission Systems: Dynamic Model, Control, and Stability Analysis |
282 | Residential Solar Photovoltaic Systems Control and Grid Integration Using Artificial Neural Network |
283 | Dynamic Overload Capability Enhancement of VSC HVDC Interconnections for Frequency Support |
284 | DC Fault Protection Strategy for Modular Multilevel Converters |
285 | Leakage Current Elimination in Single Phase Cascaded H5 Inverters for PV Systems |
286 | Low-Complexity Model Predictive Direct Power Control Strategy for Doubly Fed Induction Generator Using Three-Vectors |
287 | Wide Output Voltage Range and AC Ripple Power Decoupling in Single-Stage Two-Switch PFC Rectifier |
288 | HVDCMMC Station Harmonic and Resonance Analysis Connected to AC Grid |
289 | Novel Bi-Directional AC/DC Converter for Energy Storage Systems |
290 | Implementing Sinusoidal Output Current in DFIG under Harmonic Grid Conditions |
291 | Quasi-Resonant Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Design for High-Frequency AC Microgrids |
292 | Thermal Balancing and Analysis for Modular Multilevel Converters in HVDC Applications |
293 | Redemption of a Modified Boost Derived Hybrid Converter Using FCM |
294 | Predictive Management of Hybrid Battery/Ultracapacitor Systems in Electric Vehicles |
295 | Voltage Balance Control in Bipolar DC Bus Fed EV Charging Stations |
296 | Fast Recovery Control and Equivalent Electromagnetic Transient Simulation of Overhead VSC-HVDC Based on SB-MMC |
297 | Enhanced Control and Fault Analysis during Asymmetrical DC Voltage Faults in Hybrid-MMC-based HVDC Systems |
298 | Comprehensive Diagnosis and Tolerance Strategy for Electrical and Sensor Faults in Dual Three-Phase PMSM Drives |
299 | Analysis, Design, and Results of Hybrid Modulation Based Bidirectional Electrolytic Capacitor-less Three-phase Inverter for Fuel Cell Vehicles |
300 | Single-Phase AC-to-DC Converters Enhanced Automatic-Power-Decoupling Control Method |
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