Too often done riskily repaired Roof Hot Spots eliminated forever
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) related to the roof hot spots repairs and their problem eliminated forever.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) related to the roof hot spots repairs and their problem eliminated forever.
Primary Reformer – Each Turnaround done massive and expensive Tubes Repairs eliminated.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA): Urea Plant tight shut off impossible PTFE liner 6” 300# butt weld end Plug Valves leaks stopped.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA): Repeat Rupture Discs (RD) bursts shutdowns a Urea Plant each time.
A urea plant lost 10 days within a month from Repeat Safety Valve Popping stopped & recurrence eliminated.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) related to the Steam Turbine Stubborn Dissemble defying 12” 2500 # Trip Throttle Valve.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA): Seawater pipeline spools from day-1 leaks threaten NH3 plant indefinite shutdown.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA): Steam turbine 100 to 40 bar steam letdown station 3-year long persistent flange leaks stopped.
Flange Joint Errors shutdowns a plant and its root cause analyzed and eliminated.
Sledge open/close too hard to operate and leaking plug valves pose safety hazards and lead to plant shutdown.