Orifice Plate Questions and Answers

Learn the essential questions and answers on orifice plates for flow measurement in industrial instrumentation.

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Orifice Plate

This orifice plate video provides clear-cut explanations for each question. We recommend you watch the below video to access the complete learning materials.

Question 1

What is the primary purpose of an orifice plate in a fluid system?

A. Measure fluid density

B. Regulate temperature

C. Measure flow rate

D. Filter impurities

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Measure flow rate

Question 2

Which principle is used to calculate flow rate using an orifice plate?

A. Archimedes’ principle

B. Pascal’s law

C. Bernoulli’s principle

D. Boyle’s law

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Bernoulli’s principle

Question 3

What type of orifice plate is commonly used for measuring clean liquids, gases, and steam?

A. Eccentric orifice plate

B. Concentric orifice plate

C. Quadrant edge orifice plate

D. Segmental orifice plate

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Concentric orifice plate

Question 4

How does an orifice plate affect the velocity of the fluid passing through it?

A. Keeps velocity constant

B. Increases velocity

C. Reverses velocity direction

D. Decreases velocity

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Increases velocity

Question 5

Which flow regime is ideal for accurate flow measurement using an orifice plate?

A. Transient flow

B. Laminar flow

C. Oscillatory flow

D. Turbulent flow

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Turbulent flow

Question 6

What is a major disadvantage of using an orifice plate for flow measurement?

A. High cost

B. Pressure loss

C. Complex installation

D. High maintenance

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Pressure loss

Question 7

Which part of the orifice plate is used to measure differential pressure?

A. Downstream side only

B. Both upstream and downstream sides

C. Side of the plate

D. Upstream side only

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Both upstream and downstream sides

Question 8

Why is a concentric orifice plate not suitable for measuring slurry or dirty fluids?

A. Too expensive

B. Prone to clogging

C. Requires frequent calibration

D. Too complex

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Prone to clogging

Question 9

What is the main purpose of the vena contracta in an orifice plate setup?

A. Maximize flow area

B. Minimize turbulence

C. Increase fluid pressure

D. Create maximum velocity

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Create maximum velocity

Question 10

How does fluid density affect the flow rate measurement using an orifice plate?

A. Affects the pressure drop

B. Decreases flow rate

C. No effect

D. Increases flow rate

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Affects the pressure drop

Question 11

What type of orifice plate is designed to handle fluids with high particulate content?

A. Orifice flange

B. Concentric orifice plate

C. Segmental orifice plate

D. Eccentric orifice plate

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Eccentric orifice plate

Question 12

What is the role of beta ratio (β) in orifice plate calculations?

A. Ratio of orifice diameter to pipe diameter

B. Indicates pipe diameter

C. Measures fluid density

D. Determines fluid viscosity

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Ratio of orifice diameter to pipe diameter

Question 13

How can the accuracy of an orifice plate measurement be verified?

A. Checking fluid color

B. Estimating visually

C. Using a flow calibration rig

D. Comparing to a standard table

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Using a flow calibration rig

Question 14

What material is commonly used for manufacturing orifice plates?

A. Aluminum

B. Copper

C. Plastic

D. Stainless steel

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Stainless steel

Question 15

Why is it important to ensure proper installation of orifice plates in a piping system?

A. To reduce cost

B. To increase flow rate

C. To ensure accurate flow measurement

D. To prevent noise

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To ensure accurate flow measurement

Question 16

What is a key advantage of using orifice plates over other flow measurement devices?

A. Low initial cost

B. No maintenance required

C. Instant readings

D. High accuracy

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Low initial cost

Question 17

What is the impact of flow profile on orifice plate accuracy?

A. Enhances accuracy

B. Distorted profiles can cause errors

C. Reduces noise

D. No impact

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Distorted profiles can cause errors

Question 18

How does temperature affect orifice plate measurements?

A. Changes orifice size

B. No effect

C. Alters fluid viscosity and density

D. Reduces flow rate

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Alters fluid viscosity and density

Question 19

What is the function of flow straighteners in orifice plate installations?

A. Decrease flow rate

B. Ensure a uniform flow profile

C. Create turbulence

D. Increase pressure drop

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Ensure a uniform flow profile

Question 20

In what applications are segmental orifice plates typically used?

A. Clean gas measurement

B. High-temperature fluids

C. Fluids with suspended solids

D. Low-pressure systems

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Fluids with suspended solids

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