Are you preparing for Instrumentation Inspection and Quality Control Interview ? Read the following Instrumentation QC questions, Instrumentation QA questions.
Instrumentation Inspection & Quality Control

1) What is QA/QC?
Ans> QA/QC means Quality assurance/Quality control the purpose of this (QA/QC) is to establish the sequence of requirement for the quality of material quality of works its inspection and records.
2) What is the basic responsibilities of a QA/QC personal ?
Ans> To ensure execution of works and comply fully as per standard and approved speck.
3)What are QA/QC’s ITP’s and QCP? Give a brief?
Ans> ITP: This is procedure informs about the kinds of quality check (surveillance inspection witness or hold points) means quality of works is being done in proper sequences.
QCP: This is procedure addresses the activities and requirement in details.
4) What is NCR? Why does it need for a QA/QC personal?
Ans> NCR means Non-Compliance Report, QA/QC personal has reserve the right issue a warning of the contractor doesn’t comply or violate with the standard procedure.
5) What are general work procedure (WP)?
Ans> The. general sequence of activities will be as follows;
- Receiving Drawing and documents.
- Reproduction of Drawing
- Issuing of Drawing to site
- New issuing New revision
- Shredding of Drawings
- Redlining Drawings
- Transmittal of redlines to client (As-built).
6) What is ISO? Explain some of its standards?
Ans> ISO means international standard organization some of them are as below;
ISO;9001, ISO;9002, ISO,9003 etc.
7) What are the standard height to install the instruments?
Ans> Standard height to install the instruments is 1.4 meter but it can very less or more as per locations convenience.
8) What is loop check?
Ans> To ensure that the system wiring from field to control console functioning fine.
9) What is different between open and close loop ?
Open loop; A loop system which operates direct without any feedback and it generates the output in response to an input signal.
Closed Loop; A loop system which uses measurement of the output signal through feedback and a comparison with the desired output to generate and error signal that is applied to the actuator.
10) What are inspection points for a cable tray installation.
Ans> Material check as per approved spec, size and type, trays hook-up, proper distance structure, tray to tray i.e. power/control/and signal/low voltage and high voltage , support fixed strongly not shaking.
11) what are inspection point for field instruments with impulse tubing?
Ans> Materials inspection as per approved spec material, type and size installation as per hook-up, check line route to avoid any obstruction check tube support, compression fitting of ferrules, and then pressure test (hydrostatic test) shall be done.
12) What are inspection points for cable laying.
Ans> material inspection as per approved materials, type and size, meggering, cable routing drawing, completion of cable route (tray conduit or trench etc) and cable numbering tags, cable bending, use of proper tools and equipment for cable pulling.
13) What are inspection points for junction box and Marshalling cabinets.
Ans> Material inspection, type, size as per approved specification, installation hook-up
For frame, bracket or stands, fixed properly means shaking free, name plate and tag no.
14) how do you determine the correct installation of flow orifice?
Ans> The orifice data (tag) shall be punched in the up stream of orifice , the data (tag) side shall be in the upstream of flow direction.
15) |Explain why shield of signal cable is not earthed on both sides?
Ans> To avoid the current noise (resonance).
16) What is final RFI? When it shall be raised up?
Ans> When the QA/QC department of contractor is satisfied that the work detailed in the construction RFI is completed, then request shall be submitted for inspection to the client QA/QC department.
17) What are the required documents for an inspection?
Ans> Following are the required documents for an inspection;
- RFI (Request for inspection)
- P&ID for line verification
- PP for location (pipe plan)
- Wiring diagram for wiring details
- Data sheet for calibration and pressure test
- Hook-up etc. for remote tubing/air line
- QR for maintaining record
- WP, work procedure, to check each and every steps as per spec.
- QCO for issuing in case of little violation
- NCR, for issuing in case of major violation etc.
18) What are the required documents for a remote loop folder?
Ans> Following are the required documents for a remote loop folder:
- Loop package check list
- ILD (instrument loop diagrams)
- Instrument loop acceptance records(TR/test record)
- P&ID (piping & instrument Diagram)
- ISS/IDS(instrument specification sheet/instrument data sheet)
- Alarm List
- Calibration record (TR)
- Cable megger report (primary prior to pulling)
- Cable megger report (secondary after pulling)
- Pressure test record(TR)
- MC check record (remote loop)(green color)
- MC punch list, Loop check punch list etc…
19) What are the required documents for a local loop folder?
Ans> Following are the required documents for a local loop folder:
- Loop package check list
- ILD (if not mechanical loop)
- Cable megger report (primary prior to pulling) if not mechanical loop
- Cable megger report (secondary after pulling) if not mechanical loop
- Alarm list ( if not mechanical loop)
- P&ID
- ISS/ISD (instrument specification sheet/instrument data sheet)
- Calibration record (TR)
- Pressure test record(TR) if required
- MC check record (local loop)(green color)
- MC punch list
- Visual check punch list/loop check punch list.
20) What is schedule Q?
Ans> Schedule Q is an attachment to the contract, which is the provision of quality Assurance and control, Inspection and test plan.
21) What is ITPs? What is hold points
Ans> ITP means inspection and test plan, details of work scope and required types of Inspections Hold point (H) is the level of inspection that client inspection must required through RFI and cannot be proceeded until inspection is done by client.
Witness point (W) is the level of inspection that inspection activity can be proceeded without client inspection or if client is not available as per RFI timing.
22) What is RFI? When an RFI will be raised?
Ans> Request for inspection (RFI), RFI shall be raised only when the status of the preliminary inspection is satisfactory, and the works (items) are hold or witness point.
22) What is a Project Specification ?
Ans> A project specification specifies the minimum requirements according to the design and relevant international codes and standards.
23) What is an ITP ?
ITP (INSPECTION & TEST PLAN) is a Document that defines the activities requiring inspection or test (witness hold points etc.) the controlling specifications the acceptance criteria the persons responsible and the record to be produced.
24) What is a QCP ?
QCP (QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE) is a procedures that complements the ITP, by providing information that cannot practically be included in the ITP , but is necessary in order to perform control inspection and test .
25)What is a Project Procedure ?
PP is a procedure that presents the systematic controls to be implemented and identifies the responsibilities and authorities such as to ensure that the specified requirements are followed .
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Very interesting and helpfull thank you for your effort
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