Instrument Document Quiz

Take our instrument document quiz featuring questions and answers on control loops, and wiring diagrams to test your technical knowledge.

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Instrument Document Quiz

The below video provides you with the explanations for the instrument document quiz.

Question 1

What document lists all the instruments and their tag numbers used in a project?


B. Instrument Index

C. Loop Diagram

D. Data Sheet

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Instrument Index

Question 2

Which document visually represents the control loops in a system?

A. Instrument Specification

B. Instrument Index


D. Loop Diagram

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Loop Diagram

Question 3

Where are the technical specifications and operational details of an instrument recorded?

A. Data Sheet

B. Hook-Up Diagram

C. Loop Diagram

D. Instrument Index

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Data Sheet

Question 4

What document provides a graphical representation of the piping and instrumentation of a process system?

A. Calibration Report

B. Data Sheet

C. Loop Diagram


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Question 5

Which document details the wiring and connection information for instruments?

A. Data Sheet

B. Loop Diagram

C. Instrument Index

D. Wiring Diagram

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Wiring Diagram

Question 6

What document is used to standardize the design and layout of instrument installations?

A. Loop Diagram

B. Hook-Up Diagram

C. Data Sheet

D. Instrument Index

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Hook-Up Diagram

Question 7

What information is typically found in GA Drawings?

A. Equipment layout and dimensions

B. Control loop connections

C. Spare parts list

D. Calibration procedures

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Equipment layout and dimensions

Question 8

Which document lists all terminals and wiring in a junction box?

A. Instrument Index

B. Junction Box Schedule

C. GA Drawings

D. Hook-Up Diagram

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Junction Box Schedule

Question 9

What is the purpose of Logic Diagrams?

A. List spare parts

B. Illustrate control logic and sequences

C. Detail calibration steps

D. Show equipment layout

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Illustrate control logic and sequences

Question 10

What do Cause and Effect Diagrams represent?

A. Process control trends

B. Validate system functionality

C. Instrument control characteristics

D. Safety interlocks and responses

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Safety interlocks and responses

Question 11

Which test verifies the functionality of equipment before delivery?



C. Performance Test

D. Calibration Test

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Question 12

What is the main goal of SAT?

A. Verify field wiring

B. Test equipment at the manufacturing site

C. Schedule preventive maintenance

D. Validate system functionality on-site

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Validate system functionality on-site

Question 13

What is a primary difference between P&ID and Loop Diagram?

A. P&ID focuses on calibration, Loop Diagram focuses on installation

B. P&ID shows wiring details, Loop Diagram shows process layout

C. P&ID details individual loops, Loop Diagram details system flow

D. P&ID shows system flow, Loop Diagram shows control loop connections

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P&ID shows system flow, Loop Diagram shows control loop connections

Question 14

Which document outlines routine checks and maintenance activities for instruments?

A. GA Drawings

B. Calibration Report

C. Data Sheet

D. Preventive Maintenance Schedule

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Preventive Maintenance Schedule

Question 15

What document provides calculations to determine the appropriate valve size for a process?

A. Valve Sizing Calculations

B. Junction Box Schedule

C. GA Drawings

D. Valve Installations Document

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Valve Sizing Calculations

Question 16

Which documentation is essential for ensuring equipment is suitable for explosive environments?

A. Ex Equipment Documentation

B. Calibration Report

C. Loop Diagram

D. Data Sheet

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Ex Equipment Documentation

Question 17

Which document describes the functional relationship between system components?


B. Loop Diagram

C. Functional Specification

D. Data Sheet

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Functional Specification

Question 18

What document includes the list of I/O signals for the control system?

A. Junction Box Schedule

B. Data Sheet

C. P&ID Document

D. I/O List

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I/O List

Question 19

Which component is commonly found in a Loop Diagram?

A. Piping Isometrics

B. Control Valve

C. Process Flowline

D. Equipment Layout

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Control Valve

Question 20

What component indicates the measurement point in a Loop Diagram?

A. Equipment Layout

B. Transmitter

C. Piping Isometrics


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Question 21

Which document is essential for troubleshooting instrument issues in a control system?


B. Instrument Index

C. Hook-Up Drawing

D. Loop Diagram

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Loop Diagram

Question 22

What type of information is detailed in an Instrument Specification Sheet?

A. Installation procedures

B. Detailed instrument characteristics

C. Control system logic

D. Maintenance schedules

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Detailed instrument characteristics

Question 23

What is the purpose of a Process Flow Diagram (PFD)?

A. To display detailed wiring connections

B. To show the control system logic

C. To illustrate the main process flow

D. To list instrument specifications

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To illustrate the main process flow

Question 24

Which document is essential for verifying the proper functioning of an instrument after installation?

A. Instrument Test Record


C. Hook-Up Drawing

D. Calibration Procedure Document

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Instrument Test Record

Question 25

What does a Control Narrative document describe in instrumentation?

A. Instrument maintenance schedules

B. Process control logic and operation

C. Instrument wiring connections

D. Instrument tubing document for valves

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Process control logic and operation

Question 26

Which document would you use to verify the performance of a newly installed instrument?

A. Calibration Certificate

B. Hook-Up Drawing

C. GA Diagram

D. Instrument Data Sheet

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Calibration Certificate

Question 27

What is detailed in an Instrument Cable Schedule?

A. Instrument power cable consumptions

B. Instrument cable sizing calculations

C. Control system logic for the instrument cables

D. Cable types, lengths, and termination points

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Cable types, lengths, and termination points

Question 28

What does an Alarm and Trip Settings Document specify?

A. Logic for automatic generation of alarms

B. Control document for forcing the alarms

C. Conditions for triggering alarms and trips

D. Provides long term storage for alarms and trips

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Conditions for triggering alarms and trips

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