COCO Simulator: Free Process Simulation Software

COCO (CAPE-OPEN to CAPE-OPEN) Simulator is an open-source process simulation platform designed for chemical process engineers, researchers, and students.

COCO allows users to simulate a wide range of chemical processes.

COCO Simulator

COCO Simulator

COCO Simulator is an open-source process simulation software that allows users to model and analyze chemical processes. As a CAPE-OPEN compliant platform, COCO allows for extensive compatibility with other process simulators and thermodynamic models.

The process simulator is consists of several modules like

  • TEA (Thermodynamics and Equilibrium Analysis), which handles thermodynamic calculations.
  • COFE (COCO Flowsheet Environment), the visual flow sheet tool for designing process models.
  • COUSCOUS is used for dynamic simulation.

Basic Simulation

  • Launch COFE and create a new flow sheet project.
  • Select the appropriate thermodynamic model from TEA.
  • Drag and drop unit operations onto the canvas.
  • Connect material and energy streams between the units.
  • Specify feed conditions, operating parameters, and component properties.
  • Run the simulation to generate results such as stream compositions, temperatures, and pressures.
Free Process Simulation Software
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