8 - DC Metering Circuits

What is a Meter?

What is a Meter?

A meter is any device built to accurately detect and display an electrical quantity in a form readable by a…

4 years ago

Voltmeter Design

As was stated earlier, most meter movements are sensitive devices. Some D’Arsonval movements have full-scale deflection current ratings as little…

4 years ago

Voltmeter Impact on Measured Circuit

Every meter impacts the circuit it is measuring to some extent, just as any tire-pressure gauge changes the measured tire…

4 years ago

Ammeter Design

A meter designed to measure electrical current is popularly called an ”ammeter” because the unit of measurement is ”amps.”. Ammeter…

4 years ago

Ammeter Impact on Measured Circuit

Just like voltmeters, ammeters tend to influence the amount of current in the circuits they’re connected to. However, unlike the…

4 years ago

Ohmmeter Design

Though mechanical ohmmeter (resistance meter) designs are rarely used today, having largely been superseded by digital instruments, their operation is…

4 years ago


Most ohmmeters of the design shown in the previous section utilize a battery of relatively low voltage, usually nine volts…

4 years ago


Seeing as how a common meter movement can be made to function as a voltmeter, ammeter, or ohmmeter simply by…

4 years ago

4-wire Kelvin Resistance Measurement

Suppose we wished to measure the resistance of some component located a significant distance away from our ohmmeter. Such a…

4 years ago

Bridge Circuits

No text on electrical metering could be called complete without a section on bridge circuits. These ingenious circuits make use…

4 years ago