2 - Complex Numbers

Introduction to Complex Numbers

Introduction to Complex Numbers

A complex number is a mathematical quantity representing two dimensions of magnitude and direction.

4 years ago

Vectors and AC Waveforms

AC voltage or current in the form of a vector - The length of the vector represents the magnitude (or…

4 years ago

Simple Vector Addition

Vector Addition - If vectors with common angles are added, their magnitudes (lengths) add up just like regular scalar quantities.

4 years ago

Complex Vector Addition

If vectors with uncommon angles are added, their magnitudes (lengths) add up quite differently than that of scalar magnitudes.

4 years ago

Polar and Rectangular Notation

Both polar and rectangular forms of notation for a complex number can be related graphically in the form of a…

4 years ago

Complex Number Arithmetic

Since complex numbers are legitimate mathematical entities, just like scalar numbers, they can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, squared, inverted,…

4 years ago

Some Examples with AC circuits

All the laws and rules of DC circuits apply to AC circuits, with the exception of power calculations (Joule's Law).

4 years ago

AC Polarity

Polarity markings are sometimes given to AC voltages in circuit schematics in order to provide a frame of reference for…

4 years ago