In this article, we shared the top 100 test and electrical measurement objective and answers for instrumentation, electrical, and electronics engineering students.
Test and Measurement Objective Questions

The below list provides all the multiple-choice questions (MCQ) related to test and measurement.
Answers are available at the bottom of the article.
1. A pattern displayed by oscilloscopes which has a steady characteristic is called
A) | Lissajous |
B) | Nyquist pattern |
C) | Fermat’s pattern |
D) | Barkhausen’s criterian |
2. Which of the following forces does not act on the moving systems of analog instruments?
A) | A deflecting force |
B) | A controlling force |
C) | An electrostatic force |
D) | A damping force |
3. Shunts are generally made of what material?
A) | Manganin |
B) | Constantan |
C) | Aluminum |
D) | Silver |
4. What instrument is used for measuring the amount of current flowing in a circuit?
A) | Meter amperage |
B) | Voltmeter |
C) | Oscilloscope |
D) | Ammeter |
5. What CRT element provides for control of the number of electrons passing farther into the tube?
A) | Anode |
B) | Cathode |
C) | Control grid |
D) | Phosphor screen |
6. Majority of analog measuring instrument utilizes one of the following effects.
A) | Magnetic field |
B) | Chemical effect |
C) | Heating effect |
D) | Electrostatic effect |
7. What element of a CRT releases electrons when heated indirectly by a filament?
A) | Cathode |
B) | Anode |
C) | Phosphor screen |
D) | Grid |
8. An element in electrons which serves as a protection against overload?
A) | Semiconductor |
B) | Fuse |
C) | Transistor |
D) | Resistor |
9. The time interval that a waveform is high (or low) is the _____ of the signal.
A) | Pulse length |
B) | Duty cycle |
C) | Pulse position |
D) | Pulse width |
10. What is the reason why the scale of a permanent-magnet moving coil instrument is uniform?
A) | Because of effective eddy current damping |
B) | Because it is spring controlled |
C) | Because it has no hysteresis loss |
D) | Because external magnetic field has no effect |
11. The time interval between pulses is called
A) | Pulse duration |
B) | Pulse period |
C) | Pulse delay |
D) | Pulse frequency |
12. How can electrical currents be inducted with a coil and a magnet?
A) | By placing the coil parallel to the magnetic field |
B) | By placing the coil at right angles with the magnetic field |
C) | By moving either the magnet or the coil |
D) | By keeping the coil and the magnet perfectly stationary |
13. Insulation resistance is measured by which meter?
A) | Megger |
B) | Ohmmeter |
C) | Wien bridge |
D) | Insulation meter |
14. What is the smallest change in applied stimulus that will indicate a detectable change in deflection in a indicating instrument called?
A) | Accuracy |
B) | Precision |
C) | Sensitivity |
D) | Resolution |
15. One of the basic functions of electronic circuit is
A) | the transmission of electrical signal |
B) | the creation of a signal |
C) | the reception of electric signal |
D) | the generation and manipulation of electronic waveshapes |
16. What meter is the most sensitive?
A) | 1A |
B) | 10 ma |
C) | 1 ma |
D) | 1 µA |
17. Moving-iron instrument has what scale?
A) | Uniform |
B) | Squared |
C) | Exponential |
D) | Logarithmic |
18. A dynamometer instrument is mainly used as a /an
A) | dc ammeter |
B) | ohmmeter |
C) | wattmeter |
D) | dc voltmeter |
19. What bridge is used to measure high-Q inductors (Q>10)?
A) | Wheatstone bridge |
B) | Maxwell bridge |
C) | Wien bridge |
D) | Hay bridge |
20. Disc is made of what material in eddy current damping
A) | Conductor and non-magnetic material |
B) | Non-conductor and magnetic material |
C) | Conductor and magnetic material |
D) | Non-conductor and non-magnetic material |
21. Electrostatic instruments are exclusively used as
A) | ammeters |
B) | voltmeters |
C) | wattmeters |
D) | ohmmeters |
22. The temperature coefficient of resistance of the shunt material is
A) | negative |
B) | negligible |
C) | positive |
D) | infinite |
23. What type of meter gives a precise reading on voltage, current, or resistance where there is the generation of samples at the input and then feeds it to a digital read-out?
A) | VOM |
B) | DTMF |
C) | VTVM |
D) | DMM |
24. Multimeter typically provides measurements of _____ values (for a sinusoidal waveform).
A) | RMS |
B) | instantaneous |
C) | peak |
D) | average |
25. What kind of instrument an ammeter is?
A) | An indicating |
B) | An integrating |
C) | A recording |
D) | A dc meter |
26. All voltmeters except one of the following are operated by the passage of current.
A) | Moving-iron |
B) | Dynamometer |
C) | Permanent-magnet moving coil |
D) | Electrostatic |
27. Which of the following extends the range of a moving-iron ac ammeter?
A) | A multiplier |
B) | Changing number of turns of operating coil |
C) | A series |
D) | A shunt |
28. What instrument which springs provide the controlling torque as well as serve to lead current into and out of the operating coil?
A) | Permanent-magnet |
B) | Moving-iron |
C) | Hot-wire |
D) | Iron-wire |
29. Attraction and repulsion instruments are considered as
A) | Electrodynamic instruments |
B) | Moving-iron instruments |
C) | Dynamometer |
D) | Moving-cell instruments |
30. What is the typical full-scale voltage across a moving coil voltmeter?
A) | 50V |
B) | 50mV |
C) | 50µV |
D) | 50nV |
31. Which of the following bridges measures dc resistance?
A) | Wheatstone |
B) | Maxwell bridge |
C) | Hay bridge |
D) | Schering bridge |
32. What refers to garaging two adjustments of an AC bridge together in such a way that changing one adjustment changes the other in a special way, but changing the second adjustment does not change the first?
A) | Logarithmic nulling |
B) | Linear nulling |
C) | Orthogonal nulling |
D) | Exponential nulling |
33. When current through the operating coil of a moving-iron instrument is tripled the operating force becomes
A) | six times |
B) | nine times |
C) | one-half time |
D) | three times |
34. What force in analog instrument quickly brings the moving system to rest in its final position?
A) | Controlling force |
B) | Force at rest |
C) | Damping force |
D) | Deflecting force |
35. What dc bridge is widely used for the accurate measurements of resistance?
A) | Owen bridge |
B) | Wheatstone bridge |
C) | Potentiometer bridge |
D) | Hay bridge |
36. What is the typical power range of thermocouple sensors
A) | 0.1µW to 100mW |
B) | 0.1nW to 100µW |
C) | 0.1mW to 100W |
D) | 0.1pW to 100nW |
37. The resistance of a moving-coil instrument is 10 Ω and gives full-scale deflection at 10 mA.
Calculate the resistance of the shunt required to convert the instrument to give full-scale detection when the circuit current is 5 A.
A) | 0.02004 Ω |
B) | 2.04 Ω |
C) | 1 Ω |
D) | 0.20004 Ω |
38. What instrument is used for observing voltage and current waveforms?
A) | Telescope |
B) | Multimeter |
C) | DMM |
D) | Oscilloscope |
39. Indicating instrument is assumed to be most accurate at what part of the scale?
A) | Any part |
B) | At half of full |
C) | At ending |
D) | At beginning |
40. What sensor provides a dc voltage approximately 1 V at 10 mW?
A) | Thermal sensor |
B) | Thermistor sensor |
C) | Diode sensor |
D) | Thermocouple sensor |
41. Which of the following is a dc bridge that is very useful for making extremely accurate voltage measurements?
A) | Potentiometer bridge |
B) | Owen bridge |
C) | Wheatstone bridge |
D) | Kelvin bridge |
42. What provides a visual presentation of ant waveform applied to the input terminals?
A) | Cathode ray tube (CRT) |
B) | Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) |
C) | Spectrum analyzer |
D) | VTVMs |
43. An electric pyrometer is an instrument used to measure
A) | power |
B) | phase |
C) | high temperatures |
D) | frequency |
44. In VTVMs, _______ refers to the smallest signal that can be reliably measured.
A) | input signal |
B) | sensitivity |
C) | minimum signal |
D) | threshold signal |
45. In Wheatstone bridge, bridge balance is considered where
A) | There is current that flows through the load |
B) | There is no current that flows through the load |
C) | The galvanometer reading is maximum |
D) | There is potential difference between load terminal |
46. A small swamping resistance is connected in series with operating coil of a moving coil ammeter in order to compensate for the effects of
A) | Temperature inversion |
B) | Hysteresis |
C) | Temperature variation |
D) | External magnetic fields |
47. Which is the best type of meter movement?
A) | D’ Arsonval |
B) | Moving iron |
C) | Dynamometer |
D) | Iron-wave |
48. As the deflection of the moving system increases, the controlling torque in an indicating instrument.
A) | Becomes zero |
B) | Decreases |
C) | None of the answers |
D) | Increases |
49. What is the period of a repetitive signal?
A) | Two cycles of the waveform |
B) | One cycle of the waveform |
C) | One-fourth cycle of the waveform |
D) | One-half cycle of the waveform |
50. A moving system force in analog instruments which causes the moving system to deflect from its zero position.
A) | Controlling force |
B) | Deflecting force |
C) | Damping force |
D) | Return-to-zero force |
51. A material that glows when struck by the energetic electrons in a CRT.
A) | Silicon |
B) | Germanium |
C) | Aquadag |
D) | Phosphor |
52. The interval of a pulse from start to end is the _____ of the pulse
A) | duty cycle |
B) | period |
C) | position |
D) | width |
53. The pointer of an indicating instrument is generally made of
A) | Silver |
B) | Gold |
C) | Aluminum |
D) | Copper |
54. The pointer of an indicating instrument is the final deflected position, the is zero.
A) | Damping torque |
B) | Frictional |
C) | Controlling torque |
D) | Deflecting torque |
55. What is the typical full-scale deflection current of a moving coil instrument?
A) | 50µA |
B) | 50mA |
C) | 50nA |
D) | 50A |
56. Maxwell bridge measures an unknown inductance in terms of known
A) | inductance |
B) | capacitance |
C) | resistance |
D) | frequency |
57. Which is the most commonly used induction type instrument?
A) | Induction voltmeter |
B) | Induction watt-hour meter |
C) | Induction wattmeter |
D) | Induction ammeter |
58. What has a series RC combination in one arm and a parallel RC combination in the adjoining arm and used as a notch filter in a harmonic distortion analyzer?
A) | Maxwell bridge |
B) | Kelvin bridge |
C) | Wien bridge |
D) | Hay bridge |
59. On a simple ohmmeter, the 0 Ω mark is located _______ of the scale.
A) | at ending |
B) | at far left |
C) | any part |
D) | at half of full |
60. The output voltage of a thermocouple
A) | Decreases with applied voltage |
B) | Increases with temperature |
C) | Increases with applied voltage |
D) | Remains constant with temperature |
61. What type of instrument is the watt-hour meter?
A) | A recording |
B) | An indicating |
C) | A power meter |
D) | An integrating |
62. Which of the voltmeter is used for measuring high direct voltage (say 10kV)?
A) | Hot-wire |
B) | Permanent-magnet moving coil |
C) | Electrostatic |
D) | Moving iron |
63. Which movement is the most expensive?
A) | Dynamometer |
B) | Iron-wave |
C) | Moving-iron |
D) | D’ Arsonal movement |
64. Sensitivity of a voltmeter is expressed in
A) | V/Ω |
B) | Ω/V |
C) | Ω/A |
D) | V/A |
65. If the pointer of an indicating instrument is in motion, then what opposes deflecting torque?
A) | Frictional torque |
B) | Controlling torque |
C) | Damping torque |
D) | Damping and controlling torques |
66. Considered as the “heart” of the cathode ray oscilloscope.
A) | Cathode ray tube (CRT) |
B) | Vertical amplifier |
C) | Horizontal amplifier |
D) | Sawtooth generator |
67. Tank circuit frequency can be measured by .
A) | Grid-dip meter |
B) | Absorption meter |
C) | Voltmeter |
D) | Signal generator |
68. Which part of the following is not a basic part of a CRT?
A) | Sawtooth generator |
B) | Horizontal and vertical deflecting plates |
C) | Focusing and accelerating elements |
D) | Electron gun |
69. An instrument in which the magnitude of the measured quantity is indicated by means of a pointer
A) | Analog instrument |
B) | Ammeter |
C) | Digital instrument |
D) | Voltmeter |
70. A Wheatstone bridge is balanced if
A) | the ratio of resistors on one side of the bridge is greater than the ratio of resistors on the other side |
B) | the ratio of resistors on one side of the bridge equals the ratio of resistors on the other side the bridge uses identical resistors |
C) | the ratio of resistors on one side of the bridge is one while the ratio of resistors on the other side is infinity |
D) | the bridge uses identical resistors |
71. The frequency of rotation in some rotating machinery can be measured by a
A) | Stroboscope |
B) | Spectral meter |
C) | VTVM |
D) | Tachometer |
72. A galvanometer with a 20 Ωcoil resistance has a full-scale deflection of 10mA.
A 0.02 Ω is placed across the meter to increase its rating capacity.
What is the new full-scale current for the meter?
A) | 1.01A |
B) | 10.10A |
C) | 100.1A |
D) | 10.01A |
73. When should a fuse be replaced with a higher-rated unit?
A) | If it blows |
B) | Never |
C) | When the original value is not available |
D) | When fuses of the original value are small in size |
74. Which dynamometer type has a uniform scale?
A) | Ammeter |
B) | Ohmmeter |
C) | Wattmeter |
D) | Voltmeter |
75. An ammeter with an internal resistance of 50 Ω is used to measure a current through a load resistance RL= 1 K Ω.
Determine the percentage error of the reading due to ammeter insertion.
A) | 47.6% |
B) | 4.76% |
C) | 67.4% |
D) | 6.74% |
76. Hot-wire instrument has a/an _______ scale.
A) | squared |
B) | exponential |
C) | uniform |
D) | logarithmic |
77. Fluid friction damping is employed in one of the following
A) | Kelvin electrostatic voltmeter |
B) | Dynamometer wattmeter |
C) | Induction type energy meter |
D) | Hot-wire ammeter |
78. For time measurements, ______ scale of the scope is used.
A) | horizontal |
B) | vertical |
C) | diagonal |
D) | both vertical and horizontal |
79. What provides visual display showing the form of the signal applied as a waveform on the front screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope?
A) | Meter face |
B) | Computer |
C) | CRT |
D) | Television |
80. For amplitude measurements, what scale is calibrated in either volts per centimeter (V/cm), or milivolts per centimeter (mV/cm).
A) | Horizontal |
B) | Voltage |
C) | Vertical |
D) | Diagonal |
81. What is used for measuring medium Q coils (1<Q<10)?
A) | Maxwell bridge |
B) | Hay bridge |
C) | Wheatstone bridge |
D) | Kelvin bridge |
82. Most AC voltmeters have an RMS scale which is valid only if the input signal being measured is a ________signal.
A) | triangular |
B) | sawtooth |
C) | square wave |
D) | sinusoidal |
83. What sensor provides a change of resistance with typical power range of 1µW to 10mW and with maximum frequency greater than 100GHz?
A) | Thermal converter |
B) | Thermocouple sensor |
C) | Thermistor sensor |
D) | Diode sensor |
84. In VTVMs, _______ is used to balance both halves of the difference amplifier or cathode-coupled amplifier.
A) | zero adjust |
B) | infinite adjust |
C) | scale |
D) | trigger adjust |
85. Permanent-magnet moving coil instrument can be used in
A) | neither dc nor ac works |
B) | ac work only |
C) | both dc and ac work |
D) | dc work only |
86. A sensing element that provides a dc voltage less than 10 mV with typical power range of 0.1 to 100 mW.
A) | Thermocouple sensors |
B) | Thermal sensors |
C) | Thermal converters |
D) | Diode sensors |
87. When the vertical input is 0V, the electron beam may be positioned at the ______ of the screen
A) | top center |
B) | bottom center |
C) | vertical center |
D) | horizontal center |
88. The typical power range of diode sensor is
A) | 0.1mW to 100W |
B) | 0.1µW to 10mW |
C) | 0.1nW to 10mW |
D) | 0.1pW to 10mW |
89. Current range extension in moving coil instruments can be achieved by placing a _____ in shunt with the instrument.
A) | High voltage transistor |
B) | Low resistance resistor |
C) | Capacitor |
D) | High resistance resistor |
90. What ammeter is used to measure high-frequency currents?
A) | Moving-iron |
B) | Hot-wire |
C) | Thermocouple |
D) | Dynamometer |
91. A moving force in analog instruments which ensures that the deflection of the pointer for a given value of measured quantity always has the same value.
A) | NRZ force |
B) | Controlling force |
C) | Deflecting force |
D) | Damping force |
92. A certain pulse measures 10ms and has a period of 50ms.
The duty cycle is
A) | 10% |
B) | 5% |
C) | 20% |
D) | 100% |
93. Dynamometer type instrument can be used for
A) | neither dc nor ac works |
B) | dc work only |
C) | both dc and ac work |
D) | ac work only |
94. A _______ operates on the magnetic attraction-repulsion principles
A) | Milliameter |
B) | Field strength meter |
C) | Oscilloscope |
D) | Spectrum analyzer |
95. In an oscilloscope, _______ adjusts the brightness of the spot by changing the voltage on the control grid.
A) | focus control |
B) | position control |
C) | intensity control |
D) | astigmatism control |
96. Which instrument is the most sensitive?
A) | Moving-iron |
B) | Hot-wire |
C) | Permanent-magnet moving coil |
D) | Dynamometer |
97. Which of the items below describes an absorption meter’s usage?
A) | Monitors the frequency ratio of a device |
B) | Monitors the output current of a receiver |
C) | Frequency generator |
D) | Check the output frequency of a transmitter |
98. When both deflecting and controlling torque act, the pointer of an indicating instrument comes to
A) | Maximum position |
B) | Mid-position |
C) | Rest |
D) | Three-fourth position |
99. A common technique for measuring power at high frequency is to
A) | employ a sensing element that converts the RF power to a measurable dc or low-frequency signal |
B) | use microwave meters |
C) | use thermocouple |
D) | employ high power meter |
100. An oscilloscope provides easy measurement of ______ values.
A) | average |
B) | RMS |
C) | instantaneous |
D) | peak to peak |
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