Electronics and Electrical engineering quiz questions and answers on fundamentals of digital systems and digital electronics.
Fundamentals of Digital Systems Quiz

The sample 50 questions are listed below.
Question 1:
In digital electronics, the ‘ON’ state is often represented by _____
A) 3
B) 2
C) 0
D) 1
Question 2:
Symbol: F = A.B, where ‘.’ implies ____ operation.
Question 3:
It is a bi-directional counter capable of counting in either of the direction depending on the control signal
A) Up Synchronous Counter
B) Synchronous Counter
C) Down Synchronous Counter
D) Up Synchronous Counter and Down Synchronous Counter
Question 4:
A digit in base R will have a range from _______.
A) 1 to R+1
B) 0 to R+1
C) 1 to R-1
D) 0 to R-1
Question 5:
There are ______ cells in a 4-variable K-map.
A) 12
B) 18
C) All of these answers
D) 16
Question 6:
In case of XOR/XNOR simplification, you have to look for the following ________
A) Straight Adjacencies
B) Diagonal Adjacencies and Offset Adjacencies
C) Diagonal Adjacencies
D) Offset Adjacencies
Question 7:
Which of the following code is also known as reflected code?
A) Error code
B) Gray code
C) Straight binary code
D) Excess-3 codes
Question 8:
The K-map based Boolean reduction is based on the following Unifying Theorem:
A + A′ = 1
A) Force
B) Non-Impact
C) None of these answers
D) Impact
Question 9:
In the ___________ circuit, the output depends on both the present and the past inputs.
A) Parallel
B) Series
C) Combinational
D) Sequential
Question 10:
What does a decimal number represent?
A) Position
B) Quality
C) Quantity
D) None of these answers
Question 11:
Which table indicates the input conditions of the flip-flops necessary to cause all possible next state transitions of a flip-flop?
A) Flip-flop excitation
B) T characteristic
C) Truth
D) Excitation
Question 12:
A code converter circuit converts the code of one form to another form.
A) Decoder
B) Code Converter
C) Both Code Converter and Decoder
D) Encoder
Question 13:
Which of the following is not correct regarding EBCDIC?
A) A maximum of 128 different characters can be represented by this code.
B) It is a 7-bit code.
C) It is used to represent more than 64 characters.
D) All of these answers
Question 14:
Binary numbers can be converted into equivalent octal numbers by making groups of three bits __________
A) Ending at the LSB
B) Ending at the MSB
C) Starting from the LSB
D) Starting from the MSB
Question 15:
Every valid Boolean expression (equality) remains valid if the operators and identity elements are interchanged.
A) Complement
B) Duality Principle
C) All of these answers
D) Distributive Law
Question 16:
A Karnaugh map (K-map) is an abstract form of __________ diagram, organized as a matrix of squares.
A) Venn Diagram
B) Block diagram
C) Cycle Diagram
D) Triangular Diagram
Question 17:
To start the conversion in successive approximation DAC the programmer sets the MSB to ______ and all other bits to ______.
A) 1,1
B) 0,1
C) 0,0
D) 1,0
Question 18:
In _______, to encode a negative number, first the binary representation of its magnitude is taken, complement each bit and then add.
A) Signed integer representation
B) 1’s complement representation
C) 2’s complement representation
D) Radix complement representation
Question 19:
Why the decimal number system is also called as positional number system?
A) Since the values of the numbers are decided by adding the values.
B) Since the values of the numbers are decided by the position of the values.
C) Since the values of the numbers are decided by the weight of the values.
D) Since the values of the numbers are decided by multiplying the values.
Question 21:
It should be kept in mind that don’t care terms should be used along with the terms that are present in ____________.
A) All of these answers
B) K-Map
C) Maxterm
D) Minterms
Question 22:
Which sign bit is used for representing the positive sign in floating point representation?
A) 0
B) 1
C) Either 0 or 1
D) None of these answers
Question 23:
When a logic circuit diagram is given, you can analyse the circuit to obtain the _______
A) Input
B) Result
C) Logic Expression
D) None of these answers
Question 24:
For subtraction of binary number, subtract the ___________.
A) Subtrahend digit from the minuend
B) None of these answers
C) Minuend from the subtrahend digit
D) MSB from the LSB
Question 25:
In a sequential memory, the words are stored in and read out in a ___________.
A) Sequence
B) Parallel
C) Length
D) None of these answers
Question 26:
Canonical form is a unique way of representing ____________.
A) Boolean Expressions
C) A page
D) Minterm
Question 27:
What does the leftmost bit represents, according to the IEEE standards?
A) All of these answers
B) Weight of the number
C) Sign of the number
D) Position of the number
Question 28:
An AND matrix is used to form _________ terms.
A) Maximum
B) Sum
C) Minimum
D) Product
Question 29:
Why the 8-bit (MSB) is added in EBCDIC?
A) For line feed
B) For parity
C) For carriage return
D) For making the total number of 1’s odd
Question 30:
In asynchronous flip-flop, ___________ and clear pin shows negation.
A) Bubble at the rest
B) Clear input
C) Active high preset
D) Active low preset
Question 31:
What will be the result in BCD form if two binary numbers 599 and 984 are added?
A) 1583
B) 8421
C) 8513
D) 4586
Question 32:
The XOR output is 1 if the inputs are __________.
A) Infinite
B) Same
C) Finite
D) Different
Question 33:
Boolean algebra is named after____________, who used it to study human logical reasoning.
A) George Boole
B) Acharya Kanad
C) Anderson, Mary
D) Dickson, Earle
Question 34:
This type of register accepts inputs data serially,
Question 35:
The sign information has to be encoded along with the ___________ to represent the integers completely.
A) No. of bits
B) Magnitude
C) Position
D) Weight
Question 36:
In the AND gate, the output is ‘High’ or gate is ‘On’ only if both the inputs are _______.
A) High
B) Medium
C) Low
D) Fluctuating
Question 37:
It is a circuit, which can remember values for a long time or change values when required.
A) Ripple
B) Counter
C) Circuit
D) Memory Element
Question 38:
It is a circuit, which subtracts two inputs each of one bit
A) Half Subtractor
B) All of these answers
C) Full Subtractor
D) Full Adder
Question 39:
It is a sequential circuit that cycles through a sequence of states
A) Counter
B) Demultiplexer
C) Multiplexer
D) Ripple
Question 40:
In a combinational circuit, each output depends entirely on the ________ inputs to the circuit.
A) Common
B) Immediate
C) Same
D) Different
Question 41:
The __________ latch is an asynchronous flip-flop which can be constructed from two NAND gates connected back to back.
A) R-S
B) T
Question 42:
_______ can be performed through addition using the 2’s complement method.
A) Subtraction
B) Division
C) Addition
D) Multiplication
Question 43:
Gated S-R latch is a combination of which latch and gate?
A) S-R latch and NAND gate
B) J-K latch and NOR gate
C) J-K latch and NAND gate
D) S-R latch and NOR gate
Question 44:
BCD-to-Excess-3 Code Conversion is a example of a __________.
A) 4-bit Parallel Adder
B) 2- bit Parallel Adder
C) Sum-of-Products
D) None of these answers
Question 45:
Binary Coded Decimal or BCD is also known as _________.
A) 4821
B) 2841
C) 4281
D) 8421
Question 46:
Floating-point numbers are those numbers, which include ___________.
A) All of these answers
B) Decimals
C) Integer values
D) Fractional parts
Question 47:
It contains an equal resistor or current source segment for each possible value of DAC output.
A) R-2R Ladder DAC
B) Segmented DAC
C) Hybrid DAC
D) Binary weighted DAC
Question 48:
When one of the inputs of two-input XOR gates is Logic Low, the output will be the _________as the other input.
A) Common
B) Same
C) Different
D) All of these answers
Question 49:
ASCII code is required for representing more than ______ characters.
A) 8
B) 16
C) 32
D) 64
Question 50:
Conversion from any base to decimal base is done by ________ each digit by its corresponding weight and then _________ all the individual products to get the equivalent decimal value.
A) Adding, Subtracting
B) Adding, Multiplying
C) Dividing, Adding
D) Multiplying, Adding
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