When you are working in any industrial area or in front of any hazardous area, it must be ensured that your safety and health are maintained at the utmost point.
Employees should work in a safe environment, considering all the factors into consideration. It must be known that you can wear some safety dresses or kits when you work in such an environment. This is called PPE. Such items can help prevent the workers from various hazards.
Personal Protection Equipment

In this post, we will learn the various types of PPE which are used in various areas of work.
What is PPE?
PPE stands for personal protection equipment. It is basically a term used for denoting items used for protecting workers from various hazards, by providing them to wear it.
PPE is used in various professional fields like industries, construction, medical, etc. It is the duty of the employer to provide such safety kits to their workers for protection and safety purposes.
Types of PPE

Hearing Protection
As the name implies, hearing protection equipment is used for ears. There are many areas where such loud noise functions, which if heard for a long time, can damage the ears or make them deaf permanently.
So, it is important to use hearing protection for the same. The most common hearing protection used are – ear plugs (inserted into the ear), earmuffs (which covers entire ear from outside) and semi inserts (which covers entrance of ear canal).
Earplugs are very comfortable, but earmuffs are convenient on the work floor as you can quickly put these on or take them off.
Respiratory Protection
Respiratory protection is one of the important equipment for safety. It protects the workers from respiratory problems which can occur due to bad air, gases, vapors, dust, powders, and welding gases.
The most common respiratory protection used are – face masks, respirators, and breathing apparatus. It prevents anything from entering the mouth; and also the outside of the mouth and face.
Respiratory protection is also useful in virus-affected areas, as they spread easily in the body through the nose and mouth. The clear plastic allows the wearer full visibility and the ability to work like usual; however, it helps keep them safe from infection.
Eye Protection
As the name implies, it is a protection equipment used for eyes. Eyes are a very sensitive part and if it is not protected from things like spark, harmful gases, lasers, chemicals, and fire, it can damage them and also sometimes make them permanently blind.
So, it is important to use eye protection for the same. The most common eye protection used are – safety goggles, safety spectacles, face shields and eye shields.
These help protect the mucus membranes of the eyes, as well as help to reduce the risk of foreign objects entering the eyes and damaging them.
Head Protection
Head remains mostly open during working, and it requires protection during working. This is the most neglected body part for safety purposes.
So, head protection equipment is available for people where there are chances of any object falling on their head or if their head accidentally touches something during work.
The most common head protection used are – scalp protectors, caps, hair nets and safety helmets. Just like wearing a helmet is important while riding a two wheeler, wearing a head equipment is important when working in critical environments.
Hand Protection
Every work cannot be complete without the involvement of hands. So, hand protection is very important when you are handling some sharp / pointed objects, doing construction activity, working with hot or cold materials, or working with vibrated and chemical objects.
The most common hand protection used are – gloves and wrist cuff armlets (used mostly in glass cutting and handling). Medicinal practitioners wear gloves to avoid any risk of disease or virus contact.
Foot Protection
When you are walking in some hot or cold surface, floors filled with sharp and abrasive objects, or areas under construction, then your feet too will require protection. So, feet protection is an important category of safety equipment.
The most common foot protection used are – safety shoes, boots, anti-static and conductive footwear, antiskid soles and shoe claws. Many a times, the floors are also slippery and if there is no proper protection, then your foot can get hurt.
Body Protection
Even your whole body requires protection against safety hazards. Also, while working, you must be visible to everyone properly, so that someone accidentally does not mistake you for something else; otherwise any untoward incident can happen.
The most common body protection used are – aprons, clothing for machines and different weather, jackets, harnesses, and life jackets.
In this way, we understand the various types of basic PPE used in different sectors.
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