The below list provides the best and top Youtube channels related to cyber security that provides useful information and up-to-date knowledge on cyber security.
Best YouTube Channels for Cyber Security

Here is the list.
- InsiderPHD
- Rana Khalil
- Spin the hack
- PwnFunction
- Cyber Sec Village
- Farah Hawa
- Stefan Rows
- 13Cubed
- I.T Security Labs
- Cybr
- The XSS Rat
- Cristi Vlad
- HackerOne
- PinkDraconian
- Elevate Cyber
- Forensic Tech
- Hak5
- The cyber mentor
- Null byte
- Hackersploit
- IppSec
- ScriptKiddieHub – Tadi
- zSecurity
- Jon Good
- Ankit Chauhan
- Cybersecurity Web
- 247CTF
- Motasem Hamdan
- I.T. Career Questions
- Hacksplained
- Bug Bounty Reports Explained
- TechChip
- Technical Navigator
- Beau Knows Tech… Stuff
- CyberSecurityTV
- David Bombal
- Nahamsec
- The cyber expert
- Loi Liang Yang
- Professor Messer
- NetworkChuck
- John Hammond
- DarkSec
- superhero1
- CrytoCar
- Cybercdh
- Zanidd
- Seytonic
- LiveOverflow
- SecurityFWD
- CryptoKnight
- Computerphile
- FindingUrPasswd
- Bitten tech
- Busra Demir
- Cyber Academy
- Cyberspatial
- Techlore
- Derek Rook
- GynvaelEN
- Ethical Hacking School
- Pratik Dabhi
- MrTurvey
- BugCrowd
- BlackPerl
- MurmusCTF
- EC Council
- Pentest-Tools Com
- The Hackers World
- Grant Collins
- Black Hat
- Infinite Logins
- Hacking Simplified
- Calle Svensson
- ehacking
- Masters in I.T
- Info CK
- PhD Security
- Cyber Insecurity
- Troy Hunt
- Tech69
- Cloud Security Podcast
- Hussein Nasser
This wonderful list of cyber security youtube channels is taken from GitHub and created by Nicky.