Electron Flow Through Battery

Batteries Theory

A battery converts chemical energy to electrical energy. This conversion enables electrical power to be stored. The purpose of a

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Battery Terminology

Batteries are used for a wide variety of services throughout technology today. To begin to study battery operation and characteristics,

Capacitive Time Constant for Charging Capacitor

Capacitive Time Constant

When a capacitor is connected to a DC voltage source, it charges very rapidly. If no resistance was present in

Capacitors Connected in Parallel

Series and Parallel Capacitors

Capacitors in series are combined like resistors in parallel.  Figure 13 : Capacitors Connected in Series The total capacitance, CT,

Types of Capacitors

Types of Capacitors

All commercial capacitors are named according to their dielectrics. The most common are air, mica, paper, and ceramic capacitors, plus

Capacitor and Symbols


Capacitance is the ability to store an electrical charge. Capacitance is equal to the amount of charge that can be

Capacitor Principle


Electrical devices that are constructed of two metal plates separated by an insulating material, called a dielectric, are known as