
What is Tapered Thread Pipe Fittings ?
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What is Tapered Thread Pipe Fittings ?

For smaller pipe sizes, threaded fittings are more commonly used to create connections between pipes and between pipes and equipment…

7 years ago
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What is Flanged Pipe Fittings ?

A pipe “flange” is a ring of metal, usually welded to the end of a pipe, with holes drilled in…

7 years ago
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Instrument Identification Tags

Up until this point, we have explored various types of instrumentation diagram, each one making reference to different instruments by…

7 years ago
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What is a Annunciator ?

Process alarm switches may be used to trigger a special type of indicator device known as an annunciator. An annunciator…

7 years ago
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Introduction to Industrial Instrumentation

Instrumentation is the science of automated measurement and control. Applications of this science abound in modern research, industry, and everyday…

6 years ago
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Lessons in Industrial Instrumentation

1. Introduction to Industrial Instrumentation Example: boiler water level control system Example: wastewater disinfection Example: chemical reactor temperature control Indicators…

7 years ago