Scintillation Counter Theory

Scintillation Counter Principle

A scintillation counter is an instrument for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation by using the excitation effect of incident radiation on a scintillator

Sling Psychrometer Principle

Sling Psychrometer Principle

Sling Psychrometer is used to measure both the dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures at time. These temperatures are a

Hair Hydrometer Principle

Hair Hydrometer Principle

Due to humidity, several materials experience a change in physical, chemical and electrical properties. This property is used in transducer that

Dew Point Meter Principle

Dew Point Meter Principle

Dew Point Meter Principle By Cooling at constant pressure if the temperature of air is reduced, the water-vapour in the

Analytical Standards

An analyzer measures intrinsic properties of a substance sample such as its density, chemical content, or purity. Whereas the other

process chemical analyzer calibration

Automated Calibration

Maintaining the calibration of instruments at a large industrial facility is a daunting task. Aside from the actual labor of

Chemiluminescent Analyzer


Recall that an exothermic chemical reaction is one that releases a net sum of energy, as opposed to an endothermic

sulfur dioxide analyzer


When a high-energy photon strikes an atom, it may eject one of the lower-level electrons from its shell, leaving a