Oscillating Piston Flow Meters Working Principle
Oscillating piston flow meters use a precision machined chamber containing a cylindrical piston that oscillates as liquid flows.
Flow Measurement: Learn about Flow Sensors like Orifice, Venturi, Annubar, Pitot, Magnetic, Turbine, Ultrasonic, Coriolis flow meters, etc.
Oscillating piston flow meters use a precision machined chamber containing a cylindrical piston that oscillates as liquid flows.
Positive Displacement Flow meters are volumetric flow measurement instruments that measure flow by passing a precise volume of fluid.
Swirl flow meters combine the advantages of turbine and vortex flow meter technologies. They have a high turndown ratio and high accuracy.
Lobed impeller flow meters consist of two impellers rotating in opposite directions due to the forces exerted by the gas flow being measured.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Different Flow Meters like Electromagnetic Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Coriolis Mass Flowmeters, DP Flowmeters
There are different Classifications of Flow Measurement Techniques for measuring the flow rate and total flow. Each has specific characteristics.
Pitot Tube measures the difference between total pressure and static pressure and it is converted into a proportional flow rate.
Orifice plate pressure tappings are used to allow the transmitter to tap into the pipe to measure high and low-pressure sides of flow.
Types of flow meters are divided into two groups. One measures quantity (Positive Displacement); the other measures rate of flow (Inferential).
In Linear to Square Root Conversion, Relationship is non-linear there is a greater change in flow at low pressures compared to higher ones.