Two-Liquid Manometer Principle

Two-Liquid Manometer Principle

The two-liquid manometer is used to measure very small pressures. This is because a very small applied pressure, will produce

Well Manometer Principle

Well Manometer Principle

Well Manometer Principle Well Manometer – same as the U-tube except for the reservoir on the high-pressure side. It is

U Tube Manometer Principle

U-tube Manometer Principle

The simplest form of manometer consists of a U-shaped glass tube containing liquid. It is used to measure gauge pressure

Barometer Principle

What is a Barometer?

A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. Pressure tendency can forecast short term changes in the weather. Barometers and pressure

Pressure and Temperature Gauges

Pressure and Temperature Gauges

PRESSURE GAUGES Bourdon tube pressure gauge Diaphragm pressure gauge Capsule pressure gauge Bourdon tube pressure gauge with chemical seal Differential