Tuning of PID Controllers
Tuning of PID Controllers 1. The input of a controller is a) Sensed signal b) Error signal c) Desired variable
We have the largest collection of Instrumentation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to prepare for the Competitive examination.
Tuning of PID Controllers 1. The input of a controller is a) Sensed signal b) Error signal c) Desired variable
Cascade Compensation in Frequency Domain 1. A phase lead compensation leads to: a) Increase in overshoot b) Reduction in bandwidth
Cascade Compensation in Time Domain 1. A proportional controller leads to: a) Zero steady state error for step input for
Realization of Basic Compensators 1. Which of the following is not the correct reason to select feedback compensation over cascaded
Preliminary Considerations of Classical Design 1. The most important consideration for designing of control system are: a) Transient response measures
The Design Problem 1. What should be the nature of bandwidth for a good control system? a) Large b) Small
Closed-Loop Frequency Response 1. Closed loop frequency response is very useful as : a) It approximately predicts the time response
Assessment of Relative Stability Using Nyquist Criterion 1. The phase margin (in degrees) of a system having the loop transfer
Time Domain Analysis MCQ 1. The system with the open loop transfer function 1/s(1+s) is: a) Type 2 and order
Nyquist Stability Criterion MCQ 1. Which principle specifies the relationship between enclosure of poles & zeros by s-plane contour and