Stability Analysis
Stability Analysis 1. First column elements of the Routh’s tabulation are 3, 5, -3/4, ½, 2. It means that there
We have the largest collection of Instrumentation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to prepare for the Competitive examination.
Stability Analysis 1. First column elements of the Routh’s tabulation are 3, 5, -3/4, ½, 2. It means that there
Z & S Domain Relationship 1. The auto-correlation function of a rectangular pulse of duration T is a) A rectangular
Z-transform Analysis of Sampled-Data Control Systems 1. The DFT of a signal x(n) of length N is X(k). When X(k)
The inverse z-transform & Response of Linear Discrete Systems 1. Unit step response of the system described by the equation
The Z-Transfer Function 1. Consider the following statements regarding a linear discrete-time system: H (z) = z2+1/(z+0.5)(z-0.5) 1. The system
The Z-Transform 1. The discrete-time signal x (n) = (-1)n is periodic with fundamental period a) 6 b) 4 c) 2
Difference Equations 1. Difference equation model results in: a) Sampled-data systems b) Numerical analysis of continuous time systems c) Continuous
Signal Reconstruction 1. Sampling can be done by: a) Impulse train sampling b) Natural sampling c) Flat-top sampling d) All
Spectrum Analysis of Sampling Process 1. Statement (I): Aliasing occurs when the sampling frequency is less than twice the maximum
Feedback Compensation 1. Which of the following are the not characteristics of the closed loop systems? a) It does not