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WirelessHART mesh network


WirelessHART is a subset of the HART industrial instrument communication standard as of version 7, communicating process data over 2.4

Differential signals with RS485

RS485 Serial Communication

RS232, RS422, RS423 and RS485 are serial communication methods for computers and devices. RS232 is without doubt the best known

Fieldbus Control

Fieldbus Control

The DCS revolution started in the mid-1970’s was fundamentally a moving of control system “intelligence” from a centralized location to

HART Communication Problems

HART Communication Problems

Sometimes we have all experienced problems in establishing communication with a HART Smart devices in the field. Stepping back from

Profibus Listener Principle

Profibus Listener

Profibus Listener is nothing but a profibus display unit or an indicator unit. The profibus Indicator is able to operate

HART-IP Principle

What is HART- IP ?

HART-IP Overview Using the existing network infrastructure, Users can now integrate intelligent device measurement and diagnostic information with their productivity,