Hysteresis - 2


A detrimental effect to feedback control is a characteristic known as hysteresis: a lack of responsiveness to a change in

temperature sensor

Dead time

Lag time refers to a damped response from a process, from a change in manipulated variable (e.g. control valve position)

control of level in three cascaded Loops

Multiple Lags (orders)

Simple, self-regulating processes tend to be first-order: that is, they have only one mechanism of lag. More complicated processes often

Newton’s Law of Cooling - 3

Lag time

If a square-wave signal is applied to an RC passive integrator circuit, the output signal will appear to have a

Measurement Unit Conversions

Measurement Unit Conversions

 For Pressure Transducers and Pressure Transmitters   To convert from To convert to       Mutiply by   Kilopascal (kPa) Bar (bar)

What is a Load Cell

What is a Load Cell ?

A load cell or loadcell is a highly accurate device that is used to measure weight or force in a