Circuit Breaker Making Capacity

Circuit Breaker Making Capacity

During short circuit, circuit breaker contacts opens and automatically closes after few cycles to determine whether the fault is cleared.

Electrical Terminology

Electrical Terminology

The Basic Electrical Terminology Terms as follows: Active Power (Watt): Sometime called Real Power, True Power or Effective power. It

Motor STAR - DELTA Working principle

Motor STAR – DELTA Starter Working Principle

Motor STAR – DELTA Starter Working principle. A Dual starter connects the motor terminals directly to the power supply. Hence, the motor is subjected to the full voltage of the power supply. Consequently, high starting current flows through the motor.

Geothermal Energy Power Plants

Geothermal Energy Power Plants

Geothermal Energy   Beautiful valleys, cool and silent forests, peaceful oceans. How much attractive this Earth is? Let us now