PLC Programming Examples and Solutions using Timers
In this video, we discussed PLC programming examples and solutions using timers. There are 2 lamps. The first lamp turns ON for 10 seconds after pressing the START push button. After 10 seconds, first lamp goes OFF & second lamp goes ON. The stop push button turns OFF all lamps. ## Free PLC and SCADA Training Courses ## 1. Free Siemens PLC Training Course https://instrumentationtools.com/siemens-plc-training/ 2. Free Allen Bradley PLC Ladder Logic Training Course https://instrumentationtools.com/free-allen-bradley-plc-ladder-logic-training-course/ 3. Free InTouch SCADA Tutorial Course for Beginners https://instrumentationtools.com/intouch-scada-training-course/ 4. Free WinCC SCADA Training Course https://instrumentationtools.com/scada-training-course/ #PLC #Timer #PLCprogramming